How much calories does asparagus have? Is asparagus healthy? How to eat asparagus? |

In the article below you will find out, among others:

  • Where do asparagus come from?
  • When is the asparagus season?
  • How much calories does asparagus have?
  • What kind of vitamins in asparagus?
  • How to eat asparagus?

Asparagus – origin

There are many species of asparagus, but only one is considered edible. Medicinal asparagus, because it comes from the Mediterranean, and its growing popularity has made it a cultivated plant all over the world. Today, its largest producers include China, Peru and the USA. In Poland, the number of growers is constantly increasing, but in this respect we are not among the world’s best.

When is the asparagus season?

Contrary to appearances, green and white asparagus represent one species. The color of the edible part, i.e. the shoots, depends on the cultivation method. White asparagus grows covered with earth, while green asparagus grows above the surface and owes its color to light exposure. There is also an intermediate purple variety which is the most demanding to breed and therefore the most difficult to obtain. The asparagus season begins in mid-April and lasts roughly until mid-July. There is a possibility of greenhouse cultivation all year round.

How much calories does asparagus have?

Attention is drawn to the low calorific value of asparagus, a 18-gram serving is only 93 kcal. This is mainly due to the high water content (around XNUMX%) and dietary fiber. For this reason, practically in unlimited quantities, people who care about the line can afford them without fear. In addition to being low in calories, eating asparagus has another plus – it is an excellent source of valuable nutrients. They have a high content of vitamins C and B.2 and folic acid. They are also rich in minerals (phosphorus, potassium, calcium) and active substances such as:

  •  routinewhich strengthens blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory properties and protects vitamin C against its too rapid oxidation.
  •  saponins (a group of compounds that facilitates the digestion of fats)
  •  glutathione, a compound with antioxidant properties

Is asparagus healthy?

For centuries, asparagus has been assigned health-promoting properties, including detoxifying, diuretic, anti-inflammatory or lowering blood pressure. These properties, however, have not been fully confirmed by scientific research. It does not change the fact that their presence on our tables is the most desirable.

How to eat asparagus?

Their preparation does not require much time or outstanding culinary skills. They can be prepared in many ways. They taste great when boiled, baked or grilled. The delicate taste of asparagus goes well with meat or fish dishes. They also go well with other vegetables and can therefore be the basis of many salads. Creams and asparagus sauces are noteworthy, as they can perfectly complement the main course. The dish called “Polish Asparagus”, ie asparagus topped with bread crumbs flushed in butter, has gained worldwide recognition. Canned asparagus is available on store shelves all year round, but it is in spring, when they are harvested, that they are the softest and tastiest. So, take advantage of the time when fresh asparagus is available in almost every store and market.

Do you like asparagus? What are your favorite asparagus recipes? Let me know in the comments!

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