How much calories do potato chips have? Are there worse snacks? Let’s check it out! |


We often fall into the trap of healthy eating – it seems to us that if something is healthy, we do not have to limit ourselves when reaching for it. Nuts are such a case. It is impossible to deny them a beneficial effect on our body. In addition, they are tasty, perfect for a quick snack and rescue when we feel a little hungry. Italian, hazelnut, Brazilian, pecan and pine nuts, which you would not reach for nuts, will be a healthy and valuable snack, full of unsaturated fatty acids.

They are also rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc and selenium. Experts indicate that regular eating of nuts supports our memory and concentration, has a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar levels and has an anti-depressant effect. The trick is not to overdo it, because 100 grams of walnuts contain 654 kcal.

One handful of these treats is about 200 calories, and the topic is similar with the rest of the nuts, and one of the most caloric are macadamia nuts, which have 100 kcal per 718 grams. If you want to look for equally healthy, but less caloric snacks, see https://.pl/Co-podjadac-7-zdrowych-niskokalorycznych-przekasek.


Chips are indisputably a must-have snack at almost every party. Available in dozens of different flavors, from different manufacturers, with different textures and shapes. They are considered by many to be a perfect marriage with a cold beer or a cola. For years, the creators of TV commercials have been trying hard to create a utopian vision in our minds by combining chips and having fun, even while watching a match together. You will admit that they are doing pretty well, for example there is Crunchips, is …? 😉

Of course, a small packet of chips (30 g), eaten once in a while should not ruin our diet, after all, it’s only about 160 kcal. Unfortunately, it rarely ends up with just a small bag of chips, right? 100 g of the same chips are already over 500 kcal. And then, in terms of calories, it is no longer such a quick snack, but quite a specific dinner.

Traditional chips can be replaced with baked ones, advertised as “straight from the oven”. By reaching for such a delicacy, we will save from 15 to 20 percent of calories. It’s even better to replace the potato chips with the fruit ones, but here also it’s better not to overdo it, so as not to fall into the trap of a healthy snack. The most calorific, banana chips have about 600 kcal in 100 grams, which is even more than the classic potato chips.

And most importantly, because calories are one thing, but usually the composition of the chips also leaves a lot to be desired, namely the addition of palm oil, rich in saturated fatty acids. For now, we leave you with these calories, because at the end we have prepared a small summary.


Milk cocktail? Of course! It is delicious, easy to prepare and available in all fast food chains. What’s more, many of us consider it a good choice during the diet, and quite rightly, because such a composition can be, for example, a healthy and nutritious lunch.

Meanwhile, an innocent-looking milkshake in 400 ml (this is what a portion served in fast food usually has) can have as much as 600 kcal. Of course, it all depends on the composition, but usually this drink is made with ice cream and has lots of sweet syrups or fancy toppings like cookies or candy bars.

So it’s better to replace it with unsweetened fresh fruit smoothies based on water, milk or natural yoghurt.


Yes, fruit is also on our list. At this point, we will remind you once again about the summary at the very end of the article, where we collected the most important conclusions.

The most famous Polish fruit grower – Professor Szczepan Pieniazek, called by many the king of Polish apples, used to say that one apple a day will save you from the doctor (One apple a day keeps the doctor away). And there must be something to it, because the professor lived to be 95 years old. So fruit is the perfect healthy snack. Provided that we reach for some of them in moderation. We don’t have to save ourselves so much with apples, but with bananas or grapes …

How many calories do fruit snacks have:

  • dates – 277 kcal / 100 g,
  • avocado – 160 kcal / 100 g,
  • banany – ok. 100 kcal/100 g,
  • grapes – 67 kcal / 100 g (a bunch of red grapes is as much as 20 g of sugar),
  • mango – 67 kcal/100 g,
  • cherries – 61 kcal / 100g,
  • pears – 57 kcal / 100 g.

As you can see, the fruit is unequal to the fruit, not only in terms of nutritional value, but most of all in terms of calories. In contrast, the aforementioned apple has 52 kcal in 100 g, and strawberries and raspberries even below 30 kcal.


Like movie night, it has got to be popcorn! It is not a very sophisticated snack, so it is easy to prepare at home, there are also such ready-made microwaveable packages. And what about outside the house, after all, the smell of cinema is the smell of popcorn and then it is very difficult to resist this treat.

However, fans of movie evenings should remain vigilant. Unless they want to replace a healthy and nutritious dinner with a packet of buttery popcorn, because this delicacy in 100 grams can have 400 kcal. Meanwhile, 100 grams is the smallest portion of popcorn served in network cinemas …

Hot dog

A quick, warm snack? Perfect for travel, or a quick meal when we are hungry in the city? Hot dog! Of course. A bun, sausage and one of the numerous and generously served sauces – a recipe for a treat for everyone. Weighing 155 grams (standard portion), a white roll hot dog with ham sausage and ketchup is about 440 kcal. The final caloric value will ultimately depend on what sauce we add to our hot dog.


Being at the Polish seaside and not eating a waffle is like being in Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. Apart from the photo of the horrendously high fish bill for two people in Polish seaside resorts, a waffle booth is a must-see. Seriously, freshly baked waffles smell captivating, and in combination with whipped cream (real, not sprayed), fresh fruit and hot chocolate, they will tempt every enthusiast of sweet snacks.

It is not so bad, as in fact we decide to buy this exceptionally calorific snack only during seaside trips. Depending on the additives, this delicacy can have as much as 600 kcal, and yet its Asian version, bubble waffles, is quite well received in Poland, and there can be over 800 calories there.

Salty sticks

Sometimes a person has to nibble on something and most often it is not a fresh and juicy kohlrabi. Salty sticks meet the need for something salty and crispy much better. They are also still the undisputed king of conference tables and business meetings.

It is during these meetings, with our head occupied with completely different things, that we are able to consume quite a large dose of calories in the form of salty sticks in a completely unconscious way. This is one of those snacks that cannot be satisfied with just a handful or a piece. Meanwhile, 10 sticks are 40 kcal, and 150 g, which is the average packet, has about 600 kcal.

Jelly candy

100 grams of popular Haribo jellies have almost 350 kcal, so a packet of these tricky bears is actually the equivalent of a whole meal! The sweets beloved by children from the Nimm 2 series, for example Śmiej Żelki, are not a better solution.

They look innocent, as a matter of fact, they even have a fruit juice and vitamin annotation. In addition, they are not terribly sweet, so you could say that a standard packet eaten by children is not a sin, and certainly a better idea than a packet of chips. However, in the end, in a package of Śmiej Żelków, such 180 g, these calories will be almost 600.


This category in our ranking should have a separate ranking (we may try to do it in the future). Dipped in chocolate, with nuts, caramel, nuts and dried fruits, high-protein, flake-based, full of milk – many of them can ruin any slimming diet, just like candies.

In 50 grams of these most popular sweet snacks, it can be between 250 and 300 kcal. If you are interested in what else is lurking in the chocolate delicacies loved by children and adults, please visit our encyclopedia of food products: https://.pl/analiza-skladu-produktow.

And now the most important thing, at the end – we do not get fat from specific products, but from a surplus of calories! Therefore, in our opinion, demonizing individual snacks is a bit pointless. It is different to exercise moderation and, if necessary, choose those more valuable for our health. Such nuts and fruits are included in balanced and wholesome menus, and other delicacies and, above all, vegetables can also be healthy snacks.

So, to sum up, it is worth being aware of the calorific value of individual snacks, it is worth keeping moderation, you should include them in your daily balance, but the world will not end if you eat this one waffle with your favorite additives during your stay at the seaside or reach for a box of popcorn during a trip to cinema.

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