How much body should you expose to get vitamin D from the sun? It’s not that simple at all

Exposing your body to the sun in summer promotes the production of vitamin D by your body. Vitamin D synthesis through the skin is very important, but what about protecting yourself against UV radiation with sunscreen? What area of ​​the skin can we expose to sunlight and for how long to benefit from it and not harm ourselves?

  1. The human body produces vitamin D on its own when exposed to the sun
  2. Many external and individual factors make it difficult for our body to synthesize vitamin D sufficiently
  3. Exposing your skin to the sun every day for even a short time can raise your vitamin D levels
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Obtaining vitamin D from the sun

The human body obtains 80 percent of up to 100 percent he needs vitamin D. Although any deficiencies can be covered with the diet, only to a small extent. Vitamin D production under the influence of the sun is therefore the key to avoiding vitamin D deficiency. However, effective acquisition of adequate amounts of vitamin D while sunbathing is associated with many limitations.

In theory, to meet our vitamin D requirements, it is enough to stay in the sun for 15 minutes a day between 10 am and 15 pm and expose nearly 1/5 of the body. In practice, however, difficulties arise in achieving even such a seemingly undemanding goal.

In Poland, effective synthesis of vitamin D is possible between May and September, if the weather is favorable. Clouds should not block the sun, and significant air pollution is also disadvantageous. In addition, during these 15 minutes we will achieve a satisfactory effect when our body is not protected by sunscreen. However, not protecting yourself from the sun is not recommended because UV radiation causes skin aging, promotes sunburn, as well as the formation of free radicals and an increased risk of cancer.

This means that for your own safety, you should make sure that you stay in the sun only for a limited time, and then use preparations with protective filters.

If you want to test your body’s ability to fight free radicals and absorb vitamins, do the GENOdiagDIETA test that looks at genes for vitamin and antioxidant metabolism.


It is worth knowing that the rate of vitamin D synthesis by the body under the influence of the sun is influenced not only by the use of sun filters (especially those above 15 SPF). Limiting the effectiveness of vitamin D synthesis is observed in the elderly, with a darker complexion and higher body weight (adipose tissue reduces the absorption of vitamin D into the blood).

Are you worried about vitamin D deficiency?

Its supplementation is recommended all year round, so use the appropriate preparations in the autumn and winter period, and if necessary also in the summer:

  1. vitamin D3 2000 IU capsules bone support;
  2. vitamin D3 2000 Vivoforte;
  3. vitamin D3 in black cumin oil 2000 UI;
  4. vegan vitamin D3 2000 IU Terranova.

Body sun exposure and vitamin D synthesis

How much body should we expose on sunny summer days for the body to produce enough vitamin D? According to the recommendations, it should be 18 percent. body surface, i.e. forearms and lower legs. For example, you can wear shorts and a blouse with short sleeves. Exposing this area of ​​the body to the sun for 15 minutes a day in the case of light complexion should be sufficient, but the above-mentioned conditions must also be met (no UV filters, cloudiness and smog). It is worth wearing a hat and sunglasses to protect particularly sensitive areas from the sun.

Remember to protect your skin from UV radiation. When you spend a long time in the sun, use preparations such as SPF 15 dry sunscreen spray or SPF 50+ FLOSLEK sunscreen. For the face, use Shaka Sun Stick Face Cream, which can be applied in a convenient way.

If the weather conditions are not favorable or we do not have the opportunity to enjoy the sun every day in summer, we should supplement vitamin D deficiencies with diet and supplements such as Vitamin D3 2500 IU liquid or Vitamin D3 + K2 (MK7) spray.

The importance of vitamin D for the body

Why is the fight for our body to have access to sufficient vitamin D resources so important? Vitamin D is essential for the health of bones, teeth and muscles. Deficiencies lead to rickets in children, and in adults to osteomalacia and increased bone fragility. The importance of vitamin D is also seen in the immune systembecause it minimizes the risk of developing diseases, e.g. for seasonal colds and flu. It also supports the nervous system, is important for the health of pregnant women and the fetus, and is said to have anti-cancer properties.

Let’s not forget about vitamin D supplementation in children. Preparations created with the youngest in mind will work well here, e.g. vitamin D3 400 IU in drops for Viridian children or vitamin D3 for children 400 IU Terranova.

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