How much and what to eat in order not to get fat: the dietitian answers

How much and what to eat in order not to get fat: the dietitian answers

The answer to the most pressing question has been found.

We know that proper nutrition is the key to losing those extra pounds. However, few people consistently follow all the rules of a balanced diet. In this situation, people, whom nature has awarded with an accelerated metabolism, turn out to be a clear advantage.

But what if, after your favorite treats, a couple of kilograms are sure to be added on the scales? How much do you need to eat in order not to get fat? Endocrinologist and nutritionist Mikhail Zabotin will help you figure out this issue on Wday.

Head of the Medical Education Department of the Basis Genomic Group, ultrasound doctor, endocrinologist and nutritionist

Where to start?

First, you need to think about what, how much and how often you will eat. Because of work or other activities, sometimes we skip meals or treat them irresponsibly. There shouldn’t be such mistakes. The doctor strongly recommends giving up our usual snacks, consisting of sandwiches and cookies. Let’s move on to vegetables and fruits!

“A person should eat as much as necessary to get all the nutrients in the correct proportions. Wherein food should be healthy and fortified, so that it is enough for metabolism, but no frills. In addition, it is imperative to drink enough water and maintain physical activity. It is these basic rules that maintain a stable and normal weight, within the “plateau”.

Concerning the number of meals, then three meals a day are optimal with small snacks between main meals in the form of late breakfast and afternoon tea. They should consist of a small amount of fruits and vegetables, ”advises Mikhail.

The specialist even has a small lifhakthat adds a dash of motivation: Stick on the scale with your ideal weight and stand on it every day.

What is better to eat?

It seems that everyone already knows about healthy eating. However, there are always people who believe that any vegetables and fruits are a sure way to stay in shape and not gain excess weight. To think so is not entirely correct.

During the day, you need to eat at least 5-6 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits (about 500 grams). But, if a person is faced with the task of getting rid of excess weight, it is necessary limit your intake of the following fruits and vegetables:

  • grapes;

  • bananas;

  • mango;

  • dates;

  • figs;

  • potatoes.

In this case, should eat more pomelo, vegetables (excluding root vegetables), celery stalks.

Simultaneously need to minimize presence in the diet fried, smoked, canned food, cooked foodsand mayonnaise, bakery products, products containing a lot of sugar, “juices” from packages.

By the way, a glass of warm water before meals, as well as regular intake of multivitamins, especially vitamin D, help many in maintaining weight and even losing weight.

How much should you eat?

Serving size always plays a huge role. The main rule is quite simple: do not overeat, the portions should be small. By the way, the nutritionist suggests losing weight a clever way to control appetite: Put the usual amount of food on a plate, and then put at least 1/4 of the contents back into the pan.

“By the way, there is a scientific assumption that Japanese longevity is due to the fact that these people adhere to the hara hachi bu rule, which translates roughly as:” Eat until the stomach is 80% full. ” Indeed, in Japan there may be a lot of dishes on the table, but the portions are small, and even they are often undernourished, ”says Mikhail.

And a few more life hacks for those who want to lose weight.

  1. If health permits, add spices to food: ginger, pepper, saffron, turmeric.

  2. Create a food diary. Write down what food you ate and how much each week. Use a red pen to highlight foods that you definitely need to exclude from the diet.

  3. To avoid temptation, make a shopping list before going to the store.

  4. Minimize your alcohol intake. It is allowed to occasionally drink a glass of dry white wine.

  5. Walk more and use your car less.

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