How much and how to cook a rabbit
Rabbit meat can be safely called the most useful and dietary meat. This is a whole storehouse of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), a source of potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, selenium and other trace elements. There is only one small drawback in this product – a specific smell and taste. The secret of how to cook a rabbit correctly so that the meat is tender and tasty will be revealed in this article.
How much rabbit should you boil?
How to prepare a rabbit carcass?
Before starting the cooking process, the rabbit must be thoroughly washed and cut.
- It is better to cook the rabbit in portions – this way the dish will be softer.
- The carcass must be divided into top and bottom parts. This can be done by breaking it in the area of the last lumbar vertebra.
- The lower part consists of two powerful paws, it is better to fry or stew it, although boiled it is no less tasty.
- The upper one consists of two small paws, a rib cage and a spine.
- Divide the parts into smaller pieces as you wish.
Gastroenterologists and pediatricians recommend that rabbit meat be the first to be introduced into the children’s diet from meat dishes. If you want to cook a rabbit for a toddler, it is best to pre-soak it in milk for 3 hours. In the same way, it is necessary to prepare meat for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases or for other reasons are forced to adhere to a diet.
- White wine is the best option for soaking rabbit meat. It completely eliminates unpleasant odors and gives the finished product a piquant aftertaste.
- A rabbit soaked in soy sauce with garlic will become a spicy and aromatic addition to any side dish. You can also add a couple of spoons of this marinade to the broth while cooking.
- If you do not have time to soak the meat for a long time, pour it for half an hour with plain water with a small amount of vinegar, preferably wine or apple cider. But know: the finished dish will be more bland.
To make the boiled rabbit soft and tender, it is necessary to boil it in the roots. Carrots, celery, onions, a clove of garlic will perfectly complement the taste of the dish. Dried parsley, rosemary, bay leaves, white and black pepper are best paired with rabbit meat among the spices. You can add a couple of spoons of dry white wine to the broth.
Important: Do not use rosemary with dried parsley and bay leaves. This combination will only give the finished dish an unpleasant aftertaste.
It is impossible to say unequivocally how much you need to cook a rabbit. After all, a young animal will be ready in 40-50 minutes, a slightly older individual – 60-70 minutes. In general, an hour is the maximum time for cooking rabbit meat. Longer heat treatment leads to the loss of rich taste and nutrients.
You can boil rabbit meat in an enamel or aluminum dish. The rabbit will be a delicious addition to mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, porridge or light salad.
With a little effort and time, the dish will delight you with its rich taste and aroma.