How much and how can fresh mushrooms be stored

How much and how can fresh mushrooms be stored

It is unsafe to store any fresh, unprocessed mushrooms for a long time. Knowing how much mushrooms can be stored at home and how to do it correctly, you will preserve the taste and freshness of the product.

Fresh champignons: shelf life

Champignons are the most widespread and popular mushrooms in the world, but at the same time they are very fragile. Their shelf life is from 3 days to 1 week, subject to proper storage. Young small fungi have the longest shelf life, which have the most dense structure, they have not accumulated too much moisture inside.

Champignons can be stored for no more than a week

The optimal storage temperature is considered to be 0 degrees, so any shelf, except for the bottom one, will suit them when placing in the refrigerator.

How to store fresh champignons and what you need for this:

  1. Store purchased product is inspected for damage and signs of discoloration.
  2. Mushrooms are not washed, but only remove visible dirt, if any.
  3. Champignons are not cut into slices, so they begin to darken faster.

If the mushrooms initially had small dents or darkening, they can be cut with a sharp knife to a healthy pulp. Mushrooms do not keep fresh for a long time, they accumulate harmful acids and salts, which can cause digestive problems and even poisoning. This is a product with one of the shortest shelf life.

It is preferable to store the smallest mushrooms. Any container is taken as a container – plastic, glass, ceramic bowl. Mushrooms are laid out in one layer and not covered with a lid to prevent condensation. From this, the mushrooms will quickly begin to wilt and darken, which affects their taste.

To extend the shelf life to 1 week, the mushrooms are placed in a paper bag and ventilated daily to remove moisture.

How to store fresh mushrooms in the freezer? Usually for this they are cut into plates across the cap and laid in layers in a plastic bag for freezing food. Mushrooms are always frozen in portions, as repeated freezing and thawing makes them sluggish and unpleasant in terms of physical properties.

Another storage option is freezing boiled or fried mushrooms. Then the shelf life of the product is extended to 6 months.

If after storage there are broken pieces, pieces, they can be dried and grinded – such mushroom flour can be added to the first and second courses.

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