How much alcohol is in kefir: debunking myths

The answer to the question: “is there alcohol in kefir?” will be unambiguously positive. Of course have. More precisely, it cannot be absent there, since this drink, unlike, say, yogurt, is produced by mixed sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation.

История вопроса

In the 80s of the last century, on this basis, even a chilling horror story arose about how Western spiteful critics, in alliance with no less insidious behind-the-scenes monsters, introduce Soviet people to alcohol from infancy with the help of kefir-based baby food.

However, as it later turned out, the avid fighters with the people’s favorite dairy product heard the ringing, but did not know where it was.

What percentage of alcohol is in kefir

With proper factory production, based on the use of modern technologies, the alcohol content in kefir ranges between 0,02 and 0,06 percent. For comparison: the ethanol content in apples is 0 percent, and in grape juice, the presence of alcohol reaches 1 percent.

On the other hand, the concentration of alcohol in our blood and liver fluctuates between 0,03 and 0,15 percent. Accordingly, to regard alcohol in kefir as a threat to the human body is more than not serious.

In fairness, it should be noted that under certain conditions, the level of alcohol in the fermented milk product of interest to us can indeed increase sharply, reaching almost 4 percent. So, with the authentic wineskin-rennet manufacturing method used in the North Caucasus – the historical homeland of the drink, this indicator could reach a full-weight one.

If, for more than four hours, a modern factory product is kept at a temperature of 18-30 ° C, then you will inevitably get the very notorious 4 percent; however, the drink itself will finally and irrevocably turn sour.

Morning kefir after alcohol

According to lovers of long alcoholic feasts, shared by modern doctors, the Caucasian drink is an excellent remedy for a hangover. It removes various post-drinking toxins from the body, replenishes the reserves of essential minerals and offers a pleasant, easy bonus in the form of those very few hundredths of a percent of ethanol.

A few words for drivers

A person behind the wheel is not so much concerned with the question: where does the alcohol come from in kefir, but rather with the problem of how, after drinking this drink, to avoid trouble when meeting with a traffic police. Fortunately, subject to certain rules, the driver will not have to prove to picky wand-bearers that he is not a camel.

Before the trip, it is not recommended to drink a drink that has been out of the refrigerator for more than an hour.

It should be tied with kefir 15 minutes before driving; it will not necessarily show.

On the day of the planned trip, do not drink more than three liters of your favorite product, otherwise alcohol will still be in the blood.

Relevance: 25.07.2016

Tags: other alcohol

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