How much alcohol can you drink for the New Year?

New Year’s holidays are a series of meetings and congratulations. But what’s the fun without alcohol? decided to figure out how much and how to drink on holidays in order to remain human … healthy, of course.

How much alcohol can you drink?

Scientists have found that, on average, intoxication occurs in 40-50 minutes after drinking 150 grams of strong alcohol. This is how long it takes for the alcohol to enter the bloodstream to “fill” the brain cells.

Alcohol is still that tricky one. It easily intoxicates the brain, which is why we do not feel drunk for a long time and continue to joyfully pump alcohol. And then the following happens …

  • About an hour later, the first phase of intoxication begins: we feel excitement and joy.

  • By the second hour, the second phase begins, in which lethargy is felt, reactions are inhibited, and coordination of movements is impaired. At this point, dehydration of the body begins. The remaining degrees of intoxication only aggravate the second, completely depriving the person of control over himself.

Frequent alcoholic libations disrupt the heart rhythm, and at one point instead of brine in the morning you will have to seek help from cardiologists. A dangerous complication called alcoholic cardiomyopathy – severe heart failure – can develop.

How to understand: the heart can make itself felt with chest pain, interruptions, feeling short of breath, light-headedness.

Removal of alcohol from the body is much slower than absorption: 1 gram of one hundred percent alcohol per 10 kg of body weight per hour. That is, a man weighing 70 kg in an hour will process only 7 g of pure alcohol – or about 15 g of vodka (and a woman – another 20% less).

However, alcohol is also useful.

Alcohol awakens passion but diminishes opportunities.

When alcohol doesn’t harm

  • Alcohol is useful in small doses (1-2 glasses of red wine or 50 g of pure alcohol per day). Alcohol has protective properties and has a beneficial effect on the heart.

  • Even those suffering from stomach ulcers can afford alcohol on holidays, but only in remission. Doctors call such deviations from the rules zigzags. In the end, an ulcer is also a person and nothing human should be alien to him. In any case, you can drink vodka, whiskey, cognac within reasonable limits with an ulcer. Dry and fortified wines, however, are not.

Alcohol and sex

Alcohol is one of the best aphrodisiacs, it kindles passion, but reduces opportunities. However, if you strike a balance, it is quite possible to combine business with pleasure. So, your condition is slight intoxication. How to achieve: when you feel that your cheeks are slightly reddened, your tongue loosened, your sociability and giggle increased, then the time has come for seduction. But, seize the moment! In half an hour, the second stage will come, and there will be no trace of your charm, and by the way, too, of your sensitivity. So sex in the second stage of intoxication is unlikely to be remembered for anything.

Find out how much and how to drink

Drinking properly can help you enjoy and save yourself a hangover.

Safe drinking rules

Try not to drink on an empty stomach.

  • Do not hurry. After the first 2-3 toasts, take a break for at least 20-30 minutes, allow the liver to process and remove some of the alcohol. In this sense, the Georgian feast with its long toasts, songs and dances can be considered an example.

  • Between glasses, it is advisable to have a good snack. Boiled potatoes, as well as foods high in animal and vegetable fats (this is where Olivier salad comes in handy!), Is best for absorbing alcohol.

  • And don’t forget about the liquid. Drink at least 5-6 glasses of juice, fruit drink or mineral water throughout the meal. This will not only prevent dehydration, but also reduce the concentration of alcohol products in the blood.

What to do the next morning

Cucumber pickle or cabbage juice is the best remedy for morning resuscitation. Didn’t stock up on pickle? Sip on the broth: By replenishing salt and potassium, it also relieves the hangover burden well.

Don’t try to revive yourself with coffee or strong tea. Especially if you suffer from arrhythmia, it will only get worse.

Some enthusiasts try to cure hangovers with vigorous gym work – and in vain. So you test the body for strength, and one day it will not forgive you for this.

A heart weary of holidays, first of all, needs peace and plenty of drink (weak tea, herbal infusions, kefir). Additional helpers are vitamins C, A, E, food supplements with selenium and chromium.

Despite advertisements for anti-hangover drugs, there are no tools in the world that can bring you back to normal overnight. Therefore, ease the symptoms – and wait. Drink more carefully next time.

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