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Coronavirus in Poland is not giving up. We still have a large number of new COVID-19 infections and deaths. Another day in a row, the number of victims of the coronavirus exceeded 500. What percentage of deaths were among those who were vaccinated? The data from the Ministry of Health come as no surprise.

  1. Last day, 562 people died due to the coronavirus
  2. 399 victims did not receive a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine
  3. We would like to remind you that the vaccines used in Poland protect against severe disease and death in 90-99%.
  4. It’s worth getting vaccinated. The number of fully vaccinated people in our country is still too low – it concerns only 54,3 percent. the entire population
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Coronavirus. How many unvaccinated people died?

The Ministry of Health announced today (December 9) about 27 458 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. A total of 562 people died – from COVID-19 165, and due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases, 397 people.

Some time later, the health ministry provided information about the number of unvaccinated and vaccinated people among the deceased. «Of the 562 deaths reported today, 399 are unvaccinated and 8 are not fully vaccinated. Over 72 percent the deceased were not protected by vaccination»- we read in a statement posted on Twitter.

  1. Which vaccine best protects against hospitalization and death? MZ compares the preparations

«Nearly 77 percent out of fully vaccinated people (119) who died had comorbidities »informs the Ministry of Health.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Why do vaccinated people die?

As news about deaths among vaccinated people continues to stir emotions, and there are suggestions that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective, we explain why.

  1. Medonet replies to Rymanowski: it is really worth looking at the numbers concerning deaths

First, no vaccine can protect 100%. against infection. Its purpose is to protect against severe disease and death. But also not 100 percent. Vaccines used in Poland (the same preparations are administered in Ireland) protect against hospitalization and death in the range of 90-99%.

Secondly, the statistics show that the growing number of vaccinated people among the dying is clear. Since there are more and more vaccinated people in a given population, and in an ideal population, this percentage should aim at over 90%, the deaths – which we will not avoid – will affect more and more vaccinated people.

Third, the level of immunity we acquire with vaccines declines after a few months. Not completely, of course, but partially. Hence the deaths among the vaccinated, but also the need for a booster dose. “We are now starting to see an increase in hospitalizations among people who have been vaccinated but have not taken a booster dose. This is a significant part, but by no means the majority, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, adviser to the US President responsible for policy against the COVID-19 epidemic recently.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

– The data clearly show that there are far fewer deaths after vaccination. However, I will use the example of a person who drives a car in seat belts. Can it die as a result of an accident? Unfortunately yes. Buckled seat belts, airbag and ABS are not a XNUMX% guarantee of survival. We cannot overcome the laws of physics if the speed is too high. Or we may just be out of luck. It is similar with health – explained Dr. Michał Chudzik, coordinator of the “STOP-COVID” program.

Also read:

  1. Symptoms of Omikron infection. What do we know at the moment?
  2. Can Omicron bypass Pfizer protection? There is a new WHO study and position
  3. Scientists concerned. They discovered an “invisible” version of the Omicron
  4. Will the new restrictions improve the epidemic situation in Poland? The virologist answers
  5. Infections and deaths among vaccinated. How many cases have there been?

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