How many types of coffee can you serve in a bar?
It’s very early, it’s cold, and you have a long day ahead of you; the solution: a good cup of coffee. But do you know the different types of coffee you can order?
Coffee is a drink that makes you face the day with more enthusiasm, either first thing in the morning so that the day does not become difficult for you or after eating to fight against sleep and be able to continue with your tasks. But also, for many people, coffee is more than a stimulant, it is a hobby, a delight to spend your time and share with your loved ones.
Coffee is a drink that is extracted from ground and roasted beans from the berries of the coffee plant. Its origin is attributed to the high forests of Ethiopia, where this plant grows wild and where the inhabitants of these lands began to consume it mainly due to its stimulating qualities. These stimulating qualities are provided by the high concentration of caffeine that have these fruits. Therefore, when we drink coffee, we feel more awake and active.
Types of coffee you can order in a bar
If you want to go a bit beyond the typical coffee alone or with milk, do not miss our list of coffees you can order in practically any bar:
- Black coffee, cut coffee and coffee with milk: these three coffees have the same composition, coffee and milk, only in different proportions. The coffee alone does not have any milk or any additives. The cut coffee is a mixture of coffee with a touch of milk, very little amount. And coffee with milk is traditionally half coffee half milk.
- Decaffeinated coffee: this coffee is for those who love the taste of coffee, but consider the stimulating effects counterproductive to their day to day, that’s why, does not contain caffeine.
- Carajillo coffee: is a hot brandy coffee.
- Bonbon coffee: to this coffee is added a jet of meringue milk to give a sweet and creamy touch.
- Belmonte coffee: this type of coffee has both a brandy spurt as a jet of meringue milk, resulting in a complex and powerful flavor that will warm your stomach and mind.
- Irish coffee: 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, ¼ of irish whiskey, 2/4 of black coffee and ¼ of cream. If you follow this little recipe, you will have the classic Irish coffee.
- Balalaica coffee: same as Irish, but with vodka.
- Turkish coffee: in this type of coffee changes more the elaboration than the ingredients. To get a Turkish coffee, you have to boil water, and when it is boiling, add the coffee. Let it boil and add drops of cold water up to three times. After it is served, it is allowed to cool until it is drinkable, and inside!
- Cappuccino coffee: coffee alone with a thick layer of milk foam about him.
- Caribbean coffee: This tropical version of the traditional coffee drink is much more refreshing and light, in its composition there are coffee, brown sugar, rum and vanilla.
- Cafe mocca: another classic, this time coffee with cinnamon chocolate syrup or cocoa powder.
Coffee, as we understand it today, is much more than an infusion of the fruits of the coffee plant and as you have seen, it can be served in many ways, in addition to being accompanied with other ingredients.
Now that you have checked some of the coffees that you can order in any bar or hospitality establishment, what are you waiting for to try these combinations?
In any case, there are many other varieties that are less known but that you should also dare to try, such as buttered coffee, Vietnamese coffee with egg, Arabic coffee with cardamom or cinnamon, coffee with pumpkin puree, etc.