How many times a week and how to water the pepper

To obtain a high yield of vegetable crops, it is necessary to ensure care, taking into account their basic requirements. And pepper is no exception. Irrigation plays an important role in its cultivation. Humidification should be carried out regularly, depending on the needs of the culture. But not every novice gardener knows how to water pepper in the open field, taking into account the stage of its development. But the mistakes made can lead to a decrease in yield and even death of plants.

How many times a week and how to water the pepper

Pepper plantings should be moistened regularly throughout the season.

How to water peppers outdoors

This culture does not tolerate dry periods. After all, the root system of pepper is superficial, and the lack of moisture in the soil negatively affects the development of the plant. But you need to moisturize the culture correctly so that the procedure is as useful as possible.

Composition and temperature of water

For watering peppers, soft water should be used, since all useful components dissolve in it, which increases their absorption by the plant. Rainwater is the best option. And if possible, it must be harvested in tanks in order to irrigate.

In the case of using tap water, it must be defended for several hours. This is necessary so that the salts of heavy metals present in it, particles of oxides and chlorine have time to settle.

It is also important to control the temperature of the water for irrigation. After all, pepper is a heat-loving crop. Therefore, humidification should be carried out with water, the temperature of which is + 18-25 ° C.

Important! Cold watering causes stress in peppers and can provoke the development of fungal diseases.

How often should peppers be watered?

Irrigation of plantings of this crop should be carried out taking into account weather conditions. During dry periods, bell peppers in the garden should be watered daily, and at moderate temperatures it is recommended to do this at intervals of 3-4 days.

Step by step guide

Watering pepper does not cause much difficulty. Indeed, unlike tomatoes, moisture that gets on the leaves of the plant does not cause negative consequences.

Watering is recommended to be done in the morning or evening. Carrying out the procedure during the day when the sun is active can cause damage to the leaves. The remaining drops under the influence of ultraviolet light create the effect of a magnifying glass and can cause burns.

Watering algorithm:

  1. Collect water in a watering can.
  2. Put on a fitting.
  3. Water seedlings or bushes under the root or from above.
  4. After a while, loosen the soil at the base of the plants to prevent the formation of a crust on the surface.

Peppers need to be watered often, but dosed. Each plant should have 1-5 liters of water, depending on the stage of its development.

How many times a week and how to water the pepper

The soil under the pepper should always be slightly moist.

Irrigation types

Watering can be manual, mechanical and automatic. Each of these options has its own characteristics of the procedure.

The manual method of watering pepper is used with a small number of plants. For it, you should use a watering can, a bucket and any other container. It is also possible to use a hose. The disadvantage of manual watering is that it is very labor intensive.

Mechanical irrigation of pepper is carried out without the constant presence of a person. However, the gardener must control the process by turning the system on and off. In this case, it is recommended to use drip irrigation of pepper in open ground. To do this, it is necessary to lay out pipes in an area with small holes through which water will flow to the roots of plants. It is also possible to use sprinkler systems that simulate rain. However, in this case, the water consumption increases sharply.

How many times a week and how to water the pepper

Mechanical watering, unlike manual watering, significantly saves time

The automatic irrigation method involves the installation of special sensors that will control the water supply over time and adjust its pressure. However, to use this irrigation method, a constant source of electricity and pipes that can withstand an increased load are required.

Important! The automatic method of moistening pepper requires a lot of money for equipment, which should eventually be justified.

The nuances of watering bell and hot peppers

There is no significant difference between watering bell and hot peppers. The only difference is only in the volume of the poured liquid. Since the fruits of bell pepper are much larger and require more moisture.

Features of watering pepper

Watering sweet and hot peppers may differ from the stage of development of seedlings and weather conditions. To carry out the procedure correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its implementation in different cases.

During boarding

It is recommended to plant pepper seedlings in open ground in the evening so that the plants can adapt until the morning. In this case, watering should be carried out directly into the hole at the rate of 0,5-0,7 liters of water for each. And after it has been absorbed, plant the pepper. At the same time, it is important that the water temperature is 3-4 ° C higher than room temperature. This will minimize stress for plants when planting in open ground.

In the future, soil moisture should be controlled, preventing the roots from drying out. And when the seedlings adapt and grow, they need to be watered every three days at moderate air temperatures.

During flowering

As soon as the pepper enters the flowering phase, sprinkling of plants should be excluded. Otherwise, water will wash away pollen and prevent fruit set. The frequency of watering under the root during flowering 2-3 times a week. During this period, 2-3 liters of water should be applied under each plant.

This vegetable crop blooms in waves. And before each new period of blooming buds, the plant needs to be watered. This will speed up the formation of the ovary.

During the fruiting period

When fruits appear on the bushes, watering should be reduced to 1-2 times a week. But in this case, the volume of water should be increased to 5 liters. This activates metabolic processes and the delivery of nutrients in the required amount from the root to the aerial part of the bush.

After each watering, be sure to loosen the soil. This will provide the necessary air exchange and reduce the likelihood of root rot.

During the heat

In dry hot periods, it is recommended to water the pepper daily. But it is also necessary to lay mulch at the base of the bushes. This will eliminate the possibility of overheating of the root system, keep air in the soil and prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. Under each plant during the heat period, you need to make 2-3 liters of water. As mulch, you can use straw, peat or humus.

Important! In hot periods, you need to use water for irrigation at a temperature of +25 ° C to avoid sudden changes.
How many times a week and how to water the pepper

With a lack of moisture in the soil, the fruits become noticeably smaller.

When feeding

To get a high yield, peppers need to be fed several times per season. But before applying fertilizer to the soil, it is recommended to pre-irrigate. This will avoid burns of the root system and speed up metabolic processes in the tissues.

When top dressing, it is necessary to water the bushes at the rate of 1-2 liters per plant, depending on its stage of development.

When to Stop Watering Peppers

Irrigation should be temporarily stopped during the ripening period of the crop, namely 10-15 days before harvest. This will improve the keeping quality and taste of the fruit. It is necessary to re-moisturize when flowers begin to re-bloom on the plant.

Common mistakes

Watering for peppers is extremely important, but it must be correct. Since the mistakes made during irrigation can negatively affect the further development of the crop.

Among them:

  1. Excessive watering leaches nutrients from the topsoil and contributes to the development of chlorosis.
  2. The use of cold water causes shedding of the ovary and flowers.
  3. Insufficient watering leads to the fact that the leaves lose turgor, and the process of ovary formation and fruit formation slows down significantly.
  4. The use of unsettled water interferes with the absorption of the necessary components from the soil, as a result of which the plants experience a lack of nutrition.
Important! At air humidity above 65%, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water poured under the peppers and increase the interval between irrigations.

Gardeners’ recommendations

It is necessary to water this crop, taking into account its basic requirements. Only in this case, you can count on a high level of productivity.

Recommendations from experienced gardeners:

  1. When watering pepper, you must adhere to moderation. Excess moisture leads to a weakening of the root system and prevents it from fully developing. In some cases, this can cause the death of plants.
  2. The frequency of watering must be adjusted taking into account the temperature regime. In cool weather, it is recommended not to carry out humidification unnecessarily. Because moisture stagnation causes root rot.
  3. Increased water hardness. In this case, wood ash must be added. This component not only helps to soften water for irrigation, but is also a fertilizer with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. It is also recommended to sprinkle wood ash at the base of the bushes in the beds to repel slugs in high humidity.


Knowing how to properly water pepper in the open field in different phases of its development, you can count on a high crop yield. Since the abundance of flowering bushes, the formation of the ovary and the growth of fruits directly depend on irrigation. However, everything should be in moderation. After all, a lack, as well as an excess of moisture, can cause the death of plants.

Watering tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in the open field

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