How many times a day should you pee? See what should worry you

Have you ever wondered how many times a day we should urinate? It turns out that this seemingly trivial activity is of great importance. How often we urinate is actually a very important sign of our overall health. It applies to both infants and adults. See what should worry you and when to see your doctor.

  1. Both too frequent and too infrequent urination can be a sign of health problems
  2. However, it also depends on various factors, such as the age or size of the bladder
  3. However, for healthy adults, it is possible to determine the average number of daily toilet visits that is within the normal range
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Urination – How often do we pee depends on?

A healthy person can urinate four to ten times a day. Usually, however, it is six or seven times a day. In fact, it all depends on several factors:

  1. age,
  2. fluid intake
  3. what we drink
  4. any diseases we have, e.g. diabetes or urinary tract infections,
  5. medications taken,
  6. bladder sizes.

At this point, it is also worth mentioning the period of pregnancy and puerperium. During this time, ladies can go to the toilet much more often. In pregnant women, this is due to fluid changes and pressure on the bladder by the growing fetus. After giving birth, more frequent visits to the toilet can be up to eight weeks. This is due to the extra fluid the woman may have received from the drip in labor, as well as the body’s natural response to get rid of excess water.

  1. This may interest you: Nine ways to deal with cystitis

Further part below the video.

What diseases and medications make you urinate more often?

As we mentioned, there are several medical conditions that can affect how often you pass urine. These include, but are not limited to, urinary incontinence or retention, problems with the prostate.

Other medical conditions that affect urination more frequently include:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Hypocalcaemia or hypercalcemia. If the calcium level in your body is disturbed (whether it is too high or too low), it can affect the flow of urine in the body.
  3. Sickle cell anemia. It can affect kidney function and urine levels. Therefore, people with this condition use the toilet more often.
  4. Urinary tract infection (UTI). It is more common in women. This condition makes us feel a strong pressure on the bladder almost all the time. You may urinate more frequently during an infection, but in smaller amounts. This activity can also be associated with baking. If you suspect you have a UTI, be sure to consult your doctor.
Do you have frequent urinary tract infections?

Enter the Medonet Market and check the offer of supplements for this problem:

  1. Solgar cranberries are capsules recommended for the support of the urinary system.
  2. The herbal blend for the bladder is a tea to infuse
  3. Tincture Supporting Proper Kidney Function from Father Klimuszko’s recipe supports diuresis, i.e. the process of urine excretion through the kidneys

The medications we take can also affect how often we visit the toilet. People with heart problems, high blood pressure, or poor kidney function often take medications called diuretics. They draw extra fluid out of the blood and carry it to the kidneys. Some common diuretics include:

  1. chlorotiazyd
  2. chlortalidon
  3. hydrochlorotiazyd
  4. indapamide
  5. metolazone
  6. bumetanide
  7. furosemide
  8. torsemide
  9. amiloryd
  10. eplerenone
  11. spironolactone
  12. triamteren.

Problems urinating. When to go for help?

If you feel that you are urinating too often, you should consult your doctor about this. You may have developed an overactive bladder problem. Fortunately, this is treatable.

When else should you see your doctor for help? If you pee too little or your bladder doesn’t empty completely (this mainly affects mature men).

Other symptoms related to urination that should worry you include:

  1. fever and back pain
  2. blood in urine
  3. white and cloudy urine,
  4. discolored urine
  5. strong or unusual smell of urine.
Examine yourself!

Make an appointment for a diagnostic test for kidney disease or buy a mail-order general urine test that checks 10 parameters

How to take care of your urinary system?

If you want to take care of the health and proper functioning of your urinary tract, you should follow these tips:

  1. eat foods rich in probiotics (mainly lactobacillus), such as yoghurts and kefirs,
  2. use unscented intimate hygiene liquids – choose one of the intimate hygiene products available at,
  3. wear loose cotton underwear,
  4. avoid wearing tight pants,
  5. drink two to four liters of water a day,
  6. avoid alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and sodas.

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