How many steps per day do you need to take? New research results

The daily dose of exercise undoubtedly has an impact on our general well-being. Thanks to regular walks, we are able to strengthen the immune system and work on the figure. However, are there a number of steps we should take to ensure our health and longevity? Researchers decided to look at this issue. Their analyzes give food for thought.

How many steps to take every day?

Until now, most people believed that the optimal number of steps we should take during the day is 10. Where did this theory come from? It is probably related to the marketing campaign of one of the Japanese pedometers.

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What’s the truth? Experts from the University of Massachusetts Amherst analyzed 15 studies to date, in which over 500 people participated. participants from four continents. As a result, they gathered important knowledge that helped them determine the optimal daily number of steps that can significantly affect our health and even extend our lives.

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Their results were published in the Lancet Public Health journal. You can find the entire publication HERE.

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Further part below the video.

How does walking affect our health?

The international group of scientists that formed the Steps for Health Collaborative group discovered a very important relationship. According to them, having more steps significantly reduces the risk of premature death.

Researchers grouped almost 50. participants into four comparison groups based on average number of steps per day:

  1. first – 3,5 thousand on average steps,
  2. the second – 5,8 thousand,
  3. third – 7,8 thousand,
  4. fourth – 10,9 thousand

What were the results of their analyzes? It found that among the three active groups who took more steps a day, the risk of death was 40-53 percent. lower compared to the group that took the fewest steps.

In the case of people aged 60 and older, the risk of premature death has stabilized at around 6-8 thousand. steps a day. In turn, in the case of younger participants, this number was around 8-10 thousand.

How many steps do you take per day?

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“There is ample evidence to suggest that walking even a little more than usual is beneficial, especially for those who are very inactive,” said Amanda Paluch, a physical activity epidemiologist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Interestingly, the researchers did not find that the speed at which we travel had an impact on our health. It is important that we do physical activity at all.

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How much time a week should we devote to training?

In its recommendations, WHO places emphasis primarily on the length and intensity of physical activity. According to experts, an adult should spend about 150 minutes a week on aerobic training. This is the absolute minimum that you need to do to ensure your well-being, not only physically but also mentally.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we are talking about the war in Ukraine and the drama of our eastern neighbors. We help as much as we can, but we ourselves are full of fears. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to help, but also how to take care of yourself? You will hear about this and many others below.

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  2. How to get off the couch and why is it worth it? A mini-guide for the lazy
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