How many seniors in Poland get vaccinated against the flu? We are in the tail of Europe
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The coronavirus outbreak and the coming flu season can be very dangerous for seniors. Influenza vaccination in the elderly is of exceptional importance today. Unfortunately, in terms of flu vaccination among seniors, we are in the penultimate place in the EU. Which country is even worse off and where are the most vaccinated elderly people?

The older the person, the risk of influenza complications increases. About 80 percent. deaths from influenza and its complications concern people over 65 years of age. This is due to the fact that seniors have many comorbid chronic diseases and have significantly lowered immunity.

Flu vaccinations – free for whom, with reimbursement?

The main danger of influenza lies in the possibility of numerous complications. The most common are pneumonia, bronchitis and even heart inflammation. «In people over 65 years of age, the risk of complications from influenza requiring hospitalization increases significantly, and the likelihood of developing respiratory diseases increases. We should also remember that at this age, a history of flu always leaves a trace, and patients often do not recover from before the infection – explained Prof. Adam Antczak, chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Program for Combating Influenza (from PAP). This is combined with the current COVID-19 epidemic, which is taking the biggest toll among seniors.

Hence, influenza vaccination among this age group is extremely important today. As we read on the website of the National Program for Combating Influenza, this year patients will be provided with a wider coverage of vaccinations.

«Free vaccines will be available to seniors over 75 years of age. At 50 percent. reimbursement can be granted to people aged 65-74, but also people aged 18-64 with comorbidities, pregnant women and children from 2 to 5 years of age.

For children, reimbursed vaccines will be available in the intranasal form, for the remaining groups intramuscular vaccines will be available. Groups not covered by the reimbursement can also get the flu vaccination in full payment ».

In Poland, less than 10 percent are vaccinated. seniors, in Ireland – over 68 percent.

Both the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health emphasize that in order to effectively prevent influenza and its complications, one should take care of preventive measures and building the immunity of seniors through annual vaccination.

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According to WHO recommendations, the level of flu vaccination among people over 65 years of age should be 75%. However, in Poland it is still very low. According to Eurostat data for the years 2014-2019, only 9,7 percent are vaccinated in our country. seniors 65+. Only Bulgaria is the worst in this respect among the European Union countries. There, the percentage is only 2,4%.

Ireland is in the lead – 68,5 percent. vaccinated people 65+; The Netherlands – 62,7% and Portugal – 60,8%. See what the situation looks like in individual EU countries.

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