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The percentage of Poles who want to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 is growing. Still, the group of strong enemies of the vaccine is very numerous. Where do these fears come from? Here is another portion of the research results entitled “Poles about the coronavirus vaccine”, implemented by the Inquiry agency.

  1. The greatest interest in vaccination is in the group of retirees and pensioners – more than half of them want to get vaccinated
  2. The inhabitants of large cities, wealthy and educated people, are also positive about the vaccine
  3. Poles consider themselves well informed about the vaccine. Among the sources of information, we least trust information provided by the government
  4. You can find more such information on the TvoiLokony home page

Data from the last week indicate that the percentage of people who declare their intention to vaccinate has stabilized at a level slightly above half of the respondents (52%). This group includes people who answer “definitely yes” and “rather yes”; it is worth noting the steady growth of the firm of the firm. While at the end of December the answer “definitely yes” was chosen by only 24 percent, now it is already 33 percent, and among retirees and pensioners this percentage is as high as 51 percent. We also see a great interest in vaccinations among people from big cities, affluent and well-educated.

  1. “These vaccinations are humiliating the elderly”

The Inquira survey also confirms that the vaccination program is bringing its first results, about 2 percent. of those surveyed had already been vaccinated. Invariably, since the end of December, we have observed a large group of people who are undecided (21%) and have a negative attitude towards vaccination (26%). Despite the growing number of vaccinated people, also in Poland, most skeptics are still concerned that the vaccine is not safe, has not been sufficiently tested and that side effects may occur. The general distrust of pharmaceutical companies is also an important factor in this group.

Despite numerous concerns and questions related to the coronavirus vaccine, the majority of respondents consider themselves well-informed (62%). The media from which they obtain information on this subject are non-public TV stations, such as TVN or Polsat (37% of the total indications last week), news portals, including TvoiLokony (31%) and public television (27%). .

  1. A dramatic change. So many Poles want to get vaccinated against COVID-19

When it comes to vaccination against the coronavirus, Poles trust doctors and scientists the most (40% and 39% respectively). Among the media, non-public TV stations enjoy the greatest trust, and the level of trust in them is 17%. Only 4 percent. of the respondents declare that they trust the information provided by the Polish government.

Agnieszka Górnicka, president of the Inquiry agency, comments: The Inquiry study clearly shows that, first of all, reliable information is needed when it comes to vaccinations. The low level of confidence in the government on this issue is a worrying phenomenon.

About the study

The survey has been carried out from December 21, 2020 on a representative sample of adult Poles using the CAWI method in weekly waves of approx. 700 people (online survey on the YouGov panel).

O Inquiry

Inquiry is a Polish market research agency. Since 2019, Inquiry has been cooperating with the international company YouGov, being its exclusive representative in Poland.

Read also:

  1. Three new symptoms of COVID-19. You can see them in the mouth, palms and soles of the feet
  2. AstraZeneca protects against the disease and further transmission of the virus
  3. A surprising discovery in an Australian laboratory. Found “immune unicorn”

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