How many people in Poland died or had thrombosis after vaccination? New data
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The latest data released by the government show that in Poland, since the beginning of the National Vaccine Program, adverse vaccine reactions have occurred in 6. 051 people. Most of them were mild side effects. Has there been a thrombosis in the vaccinated? We check.

  1. A report on adverse vaccine reactions after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is available on the website. The data is updated on a regular basis
  2. There is no breakdown for specific preparations in the table. So it is not known if the side effect occurred after vaccination with AstraZeneka, Pfizer or Moderna
  3. However, from the data we have received from GIS, we learn the scale of NOPs for individual coronavirus vaccines.
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Vaccination Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Vaccination. General Information

From December 27, 2020, a total of 6 jobs have been recorded in Poland. 051 cases of post-vaccination reaction after taking AstraZeneki, Pfizer or Moderna. 5 thousand 161 of the NOPs included in the table were mild, i.e. they concerned, for example, redness in the area of ​​injection or soreness in the arm. The remaining 890 cases were related to severe side effects after vaccination.

To our question about which preparations caused adverse vaccine reactions, we received an answer from the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. This listing is not precise enough to indicate which vaccine has resulted in thrombosis or death, but the incidence of NOPs can be assessed with individual formulations.

  1. See also: Cerebral vein sinus thrombosis – what is it? [WE EXPLAIN]

After the AstraZeneki vaccine, 3 were reported. 057 NOPs, of which 25 were heavy, 324 serious, and 2. 708 – mild. After the Pfizer vaccine, there were a total of 2. 576 adverse post-vaccination reactions, including 101 severe, 397 serious and 2 078 mild. After Moderna of the NOPs, 218 were recorded, including 6 severe, 29 serious and 183 mild. In total, the table includes 5 thousand. 851 adverse vaccine reactions, which means that the data is not yet complete.

How many people died after being vaccinated against COVID-19?

The data available on the website shows that 19 people died after receiving the COVID-56 vaccine. There were slightly more men here – there were 30 of them compared to 26 women.

  1. Editors recommend: Cardiologist about the AstraZeneki vaccine. Who shouldn’t take and why are blood clots more common in women?

Some deaths are described without explanation, others contain a list of symptoms and information about possible hospitalization before death. For some of the deaths, the cause has not been established. Some are related to thrombosis.

How many people had thrombosis after being vaccinated for COVID-19?

There has been a lot of talk in recent weeks about thrombosis in the context of COVID-19 vaccination. This is in line with a European Medicines Agency (EMA) announcement on AstraZeneki. Recall that the agency confirmed that thrombosis is a rare side effect of this preparation. In turn, the US FDA and CDC called for the suspension of vaccination with Jonhson & Johnson, which was also supposed to contribute to thrombosis in patients in the US (six people were involved).

Also in Poland, people who received one of the COVID-19 vaccines available in our country have experienced thrombosis or other diseases related to blood flow.

  1. Watch out for such symptoms after AstraZeneka. These are signs of a thrombosis

After analyzing the table with adverse vaccination reactions in Poland, we find out that thrombosis was entered into it 14 times, two of which ended in death. In eight cases, a woman was diagnosed with thrombosis. Thrombosis was suspected in three people (two women and one man). Other NOPs that are associated with blood clots and venous disease are also listed in the table. Embolism (pulmonary or peripheral or arterial embolism) was diagnosed in nine people (five women and four men). There were no deaths in this group. Phlebitis (one woman), coagulation problems (one woman died), blood clots (one woman and one man died), swollen blood vessels (one woman died) were also reported among NOPs. ), as well as thrombocytopenia (in one man).

Also read:

  1. Will it also be possible to mix COVID-19 vaccines in Poland? The Ministry of Health responds
  2. How long does immunity last after contracting COVID-19? There is good information
  3. The restrictions were extended. The doctor tells you if it’s a good decision
  4. Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: Benefits Outweigh Risks of Side Effects

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