How many people can live without food

Some girls try to approach the issue of weight loss radically and refuse food for as long as possible.

The question of the maximum endurance of the body arose among us girls solely for the sake of erudition, and not for experimental knowledge. Doctors have known everything about fasting for a long time. Let’s ask an expert what happens to the human body when it is completely deprived of food.

 — It depends primarily on the state of human health, age, body weight, amount of subcutaneous fat and immunity.

How long can you lose all strength

  • Up to three days the person will feel unwell, constant hunger, pain in the abdomen.

  • By the end of the first week there will be a decrease in appetite, a deterioration in well-being, general muscle weakness, a decrease in pressure.

  • By about the 12th day there will be a restructuring of the body, in which the body will devote all its resources to adjusting the work of vital organs: the heart, brain and liver.

By this period, the body had already used up most of its resources and began to eat itself. If a person has chronic diseases, then in the second week there will be their aggravation, which will further aggravate the processes of exhaustion.

  • By the third week the condition will seemingly improve, because after the restructuring, the body began to nourish the brain and other organs from its own resources, “eating” its own body. The pressure and pulse decrease, the person begins to freeze, falling into a kind of suspended animation. Muscle atrophy begins, which causes unsteadiness of gait, muscle pain, muscle weakness. Consciousness problems arise.

Three weeks or more is already a critical stage that hardly anyone will step over. A long stay without food leads to irreversible consequences if a person is left without medical assistance and without the ability to somehow replenish his resources. Complete exhaustion sets in.

The human body tends to fight to the last, and the number of days that it can spend without food depends on the ability to take at least water.

This greatly increases the chances of survival. If a person is on complete starvation and does not take water, he will live for ten days. With access to water – up to three weeks. The presence of pronounced subcutaneous tissue will increase the chances of survival, the body will reorganize itself to process fats and will take food from the fat layer, thus making up for the lack of nutrition for the brain. It is toxic to the body, but allows it to survive.

If a person is thin and does not have enough subcutaneous fat, the body begins to process muscles, and protein metabolism for the nutrition of the brain is more toxic. Swelling will occur, and death will occur much earlier.

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