How many minutes a day do you need to walk? You don’t have to do 10. steps!

Until now, we were convinced that in order to stay healthy, we should do about 10 every day. steps. Experts argue, however, that this is a myth invented for the needs of one of the social campaigns. So how much time should we spend walking to actually feel good? Experts say much less than we might think!

  1. Walking is one of the best physical activities – cheap, simple, and it helps ‘get’ your whole body going
  2. According to experts, it is a myth that you should do 10 daily. steps a day
  3. You will feel the positive effects of walking after just 20 minutes of daily walking
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Advantages of walking everyday

Walking is one of the easiest and cheapest physical activities. All we really need are comfortable shoes and enthusiasm. Walking, like any type of exercise, has a great influence on our health. It helps you stay fit and burn calories. Strengthens muscles, bones and joints. In addition, it has a positive effect on our well-being by reducing stress.

Walking is recommended primarily to people who have a sedentary job. It is also a great type of physical activity for patients who have problems with the circulatory system. Walking helps to oxygenate the body and improves heart rate. What’s more, it also increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.

How many minutes a day should we walk?

«To take care of health, we should do about 4-6 thousand daily jobs. steps. If you move fast and take about 100 steps per minute, that means about 40 to 60 minutes of walking a day ”, says Rob Arthur, personal trainer.

However, remember not to force yourself to anything. We should forget about this mythical 10 thousand. steps a day. As we have already mentioned, it was invented for the purposes of a marketing campaign for one of the electronic devices. Rob Arthur also points out that once you take a certain number of steps, the benefits you get from walking begin to stabilize. This means that if you walk 100 minutes a day, you don’t need to be healthier than that.

This was confirmed by a study conducted in 2019. It showed that women who walked for about 44 minutes a day (i.e. took roughly 4,4 steps) had a lower mortality rate than those who walked for 27 minutes. With more steps, the death rate decreased until it reached 7,5 thousand. steps a day (i.e. walking for about 75 minutes).

However, if you are focusing on the other benefits of walking besides longevity, the ideal number of minutes you should spend walking each day may change. Dana Santas said in an interview with CNN that even 20-25 minutes of walking a day has a positive effect on our sleep. What’s more, studies have shown that if we walk for a minimum of 20 minutes each day, we reduce the risk of sudden death and provide ourselves with a boost of energy.

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How can I extend my walking time? Practical advice

If you have trouble making time to walk during the day, Rob Arthur has some tips for you. First of all, you should make your walks your routine. Consider walking as part of your daily schedule. For example, walk around the room after each meal. You can also move from place to place while you are talking on the phone. In this way, the time you spend on this physical activity will naturally lengthen.

Rob Arthur also cautions against over-pushing yourself. If you haven’t walked much so far, don’t jump into deep water right away. Start with 10 minutes a day and gradually increase this time. «Focus on progress, not perfection», advises the coach. Arthur also encourages you not to focus on a set number of steps, but rather to move as much as possible each day.. «Do not feel sorry for yourself if you cannot reach a certain number of steps or walk for 75 minutes a day. It’s still better than if you would do nothing »- convinces the athlete.

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