How many meters in a weave, how to convert weave to square meters + CALCULATOR

If you find it difficult to figure out how many meters are in a hundredth, or do not know how to convert hundredths to square meters, then after reading this article you will know exactly how to do it.

The size of one acre of land is 100 m2

Let us briefly and succinctly analyze what a land weave is, what are its values ​​​​in different units of measurement (hectares / are). Let’s move on from words to deeds – we will calculate the sizes using examples of specific sections.

Where did the hundreds come from – eliminate the confusion in concepts

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the classical measure of land was the tithe, which was subdivided into fixed units of measurement. For example, “melon” with a plot size of 80×10 m2 (sazhens in the old days).

With the help of tithes, even the area for mowing the grass was measured, making a simple calculation: a tithe of land is 10 haystacks. This unit of measure was used until the revolution of 1917, a year after which the country began a gradual transition to the metric system of measures.

The concept of tithe was replaced by ar – a square plot of land 10×10 m, which corresponds to 100 m2. The new measure significantly eased the complexity of calculations, since it became easy to measure the total area by the number of 10×10 m squares included in a particular site.

Country plot of 6 acres

Hundreds, as a name, appeared back in the Soviet years, when dachas began to appear en masse, the area of ​​u4bu6bwhich fit into XNUMX-XNUMX ares. “Sotka” literally means the numeral “one hundred”, is easy to pronounce and does not cause confusion with the number of meters.

So the popular definition confidently took its place in the language of Soviet citizens and successfully took root in modern times. However, questions like “how many square meters in one hundred square meters” are still relevant.

It is especially difficult to understand the issue for those who have never encountered the need to measure the area of ​​​​the site in order to understand its real size (for example, when buying / selling land).

You will be surprised how simple everything is: 1 weave is 100 square meters or ares of land, and an area of ​​10 acres corresponds to 10×100 m2. Knowing the footage of a hundred square meters, now you can easily plan construction – how many squares you can build a house on, how much to allocate for other buildings, and how much will go to a garden with strawberries.

At the same time, large areas (rural areas, lease of forest plots, etc.) are measured in hectares. Along with square meters, this unit of measurement is used by cadastral engineers when calculating the area of ​​objects. Therefore, the ability to translate meters into hundreds and hectares is useful to every literate person.

Units of measurement of the area of ​​land plots

There is another unit for measuring large tracts of land – an acre. In our country, it is used to determine the area of ​​agricultural land. One acre of land is 4046,86 m² or 40,47 acres.

How to find out how many acres on the site

We found out how many meters in the arena, therefore, from theory to practice. To translate this value into square meters, remember the capacity of 1 weave – this is 100 m2. For a visual representation of the land area in a hundred square meters, we measure it in meters and get the desired number.

Suppose you measured the territory with a tape measure and found out the distance on each side: the length of the site was 65 meters and the width was 40 meters. To calculate the total area, it remains to multiply the figures obtained: 65×40 u2600d XNUMX square meters.

Now we convert meters to hundredths. To do this, we divide the land area in meters by the number of meters in 1 weave: 2600/100 = 26 acres. We carry out a similar algorithm of actions in the reverse order, if weaves need to be converted to meters. Literally: 40 acres x 100 m = 4000 m2.

To calculate in hectares, a similar principle is used, only meters are divided by 10, since 000 hectare is equal to 1 thousand square meters. The easiest way to find out the area of ​​u10buXNUMXbthe site is in the form of a rectangle or square with the correct shape.

It is more difficult to calculate a section in the form of a polygon, where the calculation technique changes noticeably. In this case, a piece of land is divided into several triangles, the size of each is calculated and added together, getting the total footage of the site.

In practice, there are land plots of completely different shapes – from a polygon and a trapezoid to a circle and a triangle. Therefore, for the accuracy of calculating non-standard allotments, it is important to contact specialized specialists – cadastral engineers, in the calculation of which every centimeter of your property will be taken into account.

How many acres on the site – calculation by example

Let’s carry out the calculation for a rectangular area with a translation into hundredths:

  1. We mark the corners of the site by driving in a small peg (you can at least put a stone – the main thing is to visually mark the corner part).
  2. We measure the length and width using improvised tools – a tape measure or a stick 1 meter long.
  3. Multiply the length of the section by its width. Let’s say your “rectangle” was 36 meters long, 24 meters wide. Multiplying the figures, you get the dimensions in square meters, that is, 864 m2. It should be noted that one should not confuse the calculation of the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe site with its perimeter. By calculating the perimeter, you can find the total length of the sides, not the area.
  4. Convert meters to hundreds. Remember how many meters in a hundred – 100 m2. Accordingly, 864/100 = 8.64 weave.

You can convert hundreds to meters by multiplying (8.64×100 u864d XNUMX).

Answers to frequently asked questions: 

  • 10 acres is how many m2? Multiply 10 by 100 and get the correct answer: in 10 acres – 1000 m2.
  • 6 acres is how many square meters? We carry out a similar calculation and get 600 m2.
  • 1000 m2 – how many acres? We divide 1 thousand meters by 1 weave, that is, 1000/100, and we get the answer: 10 acres.

Table for converting square meters to hundredths:

М21002003004006009001 00012002 500

The main thing in calculations is not to forget about converting large units to smaller ones in order to get the correct size of the land plot.

How many acres in 1 ha

It is customary to measure large areas in hectares – this is convenient and practical. Recall that 1 ha corresponds to 100 acres, which is 10 m2. All official documents containing information on the area of ​​territories over 100 acres (for example, farm lands) are registered in hectares.

Size in hundreds of one hectare

Please note that the size of such lands is calculated in square kilometers. How much would that be in hundreds? First of all, we translate the area of ​​u1buXNUMXbXNUMX km2 in meters. Example: 1000 m x 1000 m = 1 m000. The resulting figure corresponds to 000 hectares or 2 acres.

Plot of non-standard shape – how to calculate the number of acres

When measuring, it is important to count exactly along the boundaries of the site. Especially if the calculation is prepared for paperwork on land.

There are 3 ways to find out the number of acres for an irregularly shaped plot:

  1. Carry out a survey. Invite a specialist to measure the area, who will determine the area by the geodetic method, using rangefinders, a special tower and other devices. This is the most reliable way to find out the size of the site: the irregular shape will be divided into several equal triangles, their area will be calculated individually and in total. The result is the exact number of acres, including the most inconvenient places for “manual” measurements.
  2. Measure yourself. To do this, set milestones in the corners of the entire perimeter, then measure the distance between each of them. Record the site diagram and the resulting numbers on paper. Divide the land on the diagram into separate shapes with the correct geometry. Calculate the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbeach separately, and add the results obtained – the final figure will show the total number of acres.
  3. Use Google Map. Suitable as a way to calculate approximate dimensions for general information. In a remote calculation on the map, you can set points along all the boundaries of the territory, connect and get the finished result.
On maps in Google maps, you can distinguish the boundaries of the plots

It is difficult to determine the size of geometrically complex lands with improvised means, since errors will be inevitable. If you are making calculations for paperwork, use the services of specialized companies – this requires money, but it guarantees accuracy in measuring the boundaries and area of ​​​​the site.

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