Coronavirus What you need to know Coronavirus in Poland Coronavirus in Europe Coronavirus in the world Guide Map Frequently asked questions #Let’s talk about

The Ministry of Health today announced 642 new cases of coronavirus infection. We have the most cases of COVID-19 in the province. Mazowieckie. Nobody died from COVID-19. How long is the pandemic going to last? “I said once that we need three to five years of patience.” Today I am more inclined to say that it is closer to the upper limit – says Dr. Aneta Afelt, health geographer, member of the COVID-19 advisory team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

  1. Last day, 642 coronavirus infections were detected in Poland
  2. Not a single person has died from COVID-19
  3. In the last 24 hours, 7 jobs were performed. 643 vaccinations
  4. Since the beginning of the pandemic, over 6 million people have contracted the coronavirus in Poland
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. How many infections? Data as of July 24, 2022

We are seeing a marked increase in COVID-19 incidence this week. On Saturday, the Ministry of Health reported 3493 infections. This is the record for the current wave.

Traditionally, fewer cases are reported on Sundays. Data from the Ministry of Health of 24 speak of 642 cases of coronavirus infection. Among them, there are 80 re-infections. Last Sunday, the ministry’s report mentioned 397 cases. This means an increase of over 60%.

Nobody died from COVID-19. Three patients recovered.

On the last day, 3539 tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 were performed.

You can find a quick SARS-CoV-2 antigenic for home-made nasal swab at Medonet Market.

Which provinces have the most infections?

The situation in the provinces with the highest daily number of infections is presented in the following charts:

Now that’s the most common complication after COVID-19

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease. But it actually attacks many systems and organs in our body. Recent research, however, indicates that it is focusing on one of them. Patients with a history of coronavirus infection mainly complain of heart problems. Dr. Michał Chudzik, a cardiologist and creator of the STOP COVID application, mentioned it on Twitter.

«Abnormal sinus tachycardia – according to our STOP-COVID observations, this is the most common arrhythmia after home COVID-19. It is reported by every fourth patient (more often women) »- wrote the doctor.

In an interview with ABCzdrowie, Dr. Chudzik emphasizes that recently, cardiac arrhythmias have come to the fore.

– Right now, most patients report very fast heartbeat, which they describe as palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias. Patients also complain of various types of chest pain, but the feeling of a rapid heartbeat dominates. It is tachycardia, i.e. fast heartbeat – it is not an arrhythmia, but a normal heart rhythm, but very fast, over 100 per minute. The problem persists for these patients all the time, day and night. It is not related to physical activity – explains Chudzik.

The doctor adds that previously the problem was reported relatively rarely by patients, now even every fourth person reporting to his facility says it..

“The worst coronavirus we have seen”

The Omicron BA.5 mutation is spreading around the world, causing further spikes in infections. Almost half of all new infections occur in Europe. BA.5 is “the worst version of the coronavirus we have seen,” Prof. Eric Topol. And it’s not just that it’s one of the most infectious variants of the coronavirus out there.

According to «The Guardian», infection with BA.5 (or BA.4) is possible already 28 days after infection with other variants (BA.1, BA.2, Delta). – Of course, getting sick also gives you immunity. Research shows, however, that it has a slightly different nature, does not provide long-term protection – reminds Dr. Aneta Afelt, health geographer, member of the COVID-19 advisory team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences. – We passed the last wave of the disease six months ago. Research shows that post-vaccination and post-vaccination immunity lasts between six and 10 months. So it can be assumed that we are still safe – he adds.

Have you been infected with COVID-19? Be sure to check your health. The Healing Blood Test Pack, available on Medonet Market, can help you with this. You can also make them at home.

Everything we already know about the BA.5 sub-option raises the question of how the COVID-19 pandemic will continue. On the one hand, this mutation is more contagious and cares better for immunity, on the other hand, it does not seem to cause severe symptoms.

– Let’s not delude ourselves that the evolution of the virus will end up with mutation BA.5. Such thinking would be naïve. It is normal that the virus is changing, and we have known it since the beginning of the pandemic. It’s just his nature, a biological process. Let us not forget that it goes on all the time. The virus continues to adapt to its conditions, says Dr. Afelt.

How will this affect the course of the pandemic? – It also depends on how our organisms adapt to the pathogen, what preventive measures we introduce at the medical level and, finally, how the coronavirus reacts to these changes – he explains.

How long could the current pandemic last? “I used to say that we need three to five years of patience. Today I am more inclined to say that it is closer to the upper limit – about five years. This is the time that will allow us to better understand the short and long-term consequences of the disease, as well as (hopefully) develop cheap, readily available drugs and modernize vaccines so that, for example, they affect the entire group of human and animal coronaviruses – concludes Dr. Afelt.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Olga Komorowska, sound therapist, voice trainer and singer, will talk about what sound therapy is all about. What are the benefits of “faking”, what is vibrotherapy and how is sound wave transmitted? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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