How many hours of sleep do you need to get a good rest? Video

Beauty and health are the most valuable components of modern life. Advertising constantly talks about how to achieve them, but it turns out that ordinary sleep can help keep in shape. If you go to bed and wake up on time every day, your health and appearance will improve. So how many hours do you need to sleep?

How many hours do you need to sleep: video tips

Sleep has been studied by many scientists. The conclusions about its benefits were made long ago, a sufficient amount of rest allows the body to fully recover. But how and how much to sleep is difficult to say unequivocally. Researchers are divided on this issue.

At the end of the twentieth century, the question arose: is it possible not to sleep at all? Or how can you reduce the amount of time you spend in bed? The accelerating pace of life, lack of time made these issues very urgent. And more and more people experimented on themselves. Then there were theories about the separation of sleep, about training.

For example, some researchers argue that you don’t need to sleep long, 4–5 hours is enough, but you just need to do it not at one time, but during the day for 15–20 minutes. As soon as fatigue appears, you can lie down. This will allow you to rest and the drowsiness will disappear. Today, this theory is completely criticized by scientists, since the body does not have time to fully recover and after 2-3 months of such a rhythm, health problems may arise.

Insomnia is the first problem that occurs due to lack of sleep. First, fatigue appears, and then the person cannot fall asleep at all

Reducing the amount of sleep is also not recommended. Of course, there are people for whom 3 hours is enough for a good rest, but this is rather an exception. These people use other relaxation techniques, such as deep meditation during the day, which can be compared to sleep in terms of effects. If it’s just not enough to sleep, then soon chronic fatigue will begin to knock down. Several months will lead to the onset of illness, and as a result, you will have to rest in a hospital bed.

For a good rest, a person needs to spend 7-8 hours in bed, this time is a guarantee of health. In this case, it is better to fall asleep not at 2 am, but in the evening. In the period from 22.00 to 24.00, the body recovers most intensively. It is during these hours that the cells are renewed, the brain completely relaxes. If you go to bed after midnight, you will still not be able to get a full sleep.

Daytime sleep is good for your health, but it shouldn’t be the reason for decreased nighttime sleep.

There are biological biorhythms to which all nature is subordinated. The change of day and night is one of these laws, adjusting to them, you can feel much better. Try lying down early in the evening to wake up at 5-7 am. At the same time, you will receive a charge of vivacity for the whole day, increase your activity and academic performance. If you work at night, do the same amount of work in the morning. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but very noticeable results will appear in a week. Healthy sleep can get rid of many problems, so you should not ignore it.

See also: interpretation of dreams.

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