How many grams of condensed milk is in a can?

How many grams of condensed milk is in a can?

Reading time – 3 minutes.

How many grams of condensed milk is in a standard tin can?

Real condensed milk must necessarily meet the requirements of GOST. Product weight, according to standards:

  1. classic condensed milk: net weight (excluding containers, net) should be 400 g, can volume – 325 ml;
  2. boiled condensed milk: according to GOST, the net weight should also be 400 g, however, according to TU, a weight of 380 g is allowed.

If the information on the bank does not correspond to these numbers, then this already gives rise to doubts about the quality of the product and the good faith of the manufacturer. It is possible that in the composition of such condensed milk, the real ingredients have been replaced with cheap analogs.


When buying condensed milk, pay attention to other indicators of the GOST product:

  1. title: “Condensed whole milk with sugar”;
  2. composition: whole milk and sugar;
  3. fat content – 8,5%;
  4. shelf life – no more than 1 year.

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