How many eggs to cook, 20 facts about chicken eggs that all good housewives should know

6. Eggs in the refrigerator often burst during cooking. To avoid this, add a tablespoon of salt to the water. The shell will burst, but the contents of the egg will not drain.

7. To prevent the eggs from cracking when boiling, pierce their shells with a very thin needle, or place an inverted saucer on the bottom of the pan.

8. An egg with a crack in the shell can be boiled in heavily salted water, but dipped only in boiling water for cooking, otherwise it will leak.

9. To make the egg soft-boiled, you need to pour into the pan as many glasses of water (no more and no less), as many as you want to boil the eggs, and put the pan on the stove to boil the water. When the water boils with a spring, eggs are immersed in it, if possible, at the same time (we repeat, their number should be equal to the number of glasses of water in a saucepan); then they immediately remove the pan from the stove and, without covering it with anything, set it aside so that the water gradually cools down, after which the eggs are taken out of the water: they turn out to be boiled in the best softening.

10. An egg, dipped in boiling water, is ready soft-boiled in 2-3 minutes, “in a bag” – in 4,5-5,5 minutes, hard-boiled in 8-10 minutes. If a hard egg takes longer to cook, the yolk hardens and the taste of the egg deteriorates. After removing the bagged egg from the stove, immediately immerse it in cold water. Pour cold water over it, and it is easier to peel off the shell.

11. To cut a hard-boiled egg into neat thin slices, soak a knife in cold water. Then the yolk will not crumble.

12. You can easily tell a boiled egg from a raw one without breaking the shell if you rotate it on the table. A boiled egg will spin, and a raw egg will stop after one or two revolutions.

13. A soft-boiled egg will be fresh and tasty in a few days if it is once again dipped in boiling water for 15-20 seconds before eating.

14. Do not whip the whites in an enamel or aluminum dish. A piece of enamel can easily bounce off and get into food, and aluminum gives the protein a gray color.

15. Often times, preparing food requires separating the white from the yolk. If there is no special device, then use a funnel (you can make it out of paper). To do this, you need to break the egg over a clean funnel: the white will slide down, the yolk will remain in the funnel. If only the white is needed, and the yolk needs to be stored for several days, pierce the egg with a thick needle from two opposite sides. The white will drain out and the yolk will remain in the shell.

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