You can store cabbage in the refrigerator for 1,5-2 months if you wrap the cabbages in paper and cling film or put them in bags with several holes. To increase the period, it is recommended to chop the forks, put them in thermal bags and put them in the freezer. This method will save them until the next harvest – the shelf life will be from 9 to 12 months.

Can cabbage be stored in the refrigerator?

For long-term storage of cabbage at home, a refrigerator is suitable. Here it is possible to provide suitable conditions:

  • temperature range 0-5 degrees Celsius;
  • high humidity – 80-90% (for this, heads of cabbage are wrapped in a film);
  • darkness.

It is especially important to monitor the temperature. If it rises more than 4-5 degrees, the storage period of cabbage will be reduced due to the fact that it will soften, and in combination with high humidity it can rot. If the temperature drops below 0, the heads of cabbage will freeze. They will be preserved, but this will have a bad effect on the taste.

Where is the best place to place

In modern refrigerators, vegetables are stored in the freshness zone. This is the name of the special space between the freezer and the refrigerator. It maintains a temperature of about 3-4 degrees Celsius, as well as high humidity. These are optimal conditions for the preservation of vegetables, including cabbage.

If there is no such zone, heads of cabbage are placed in a compartment with vegetables and covered with a lid on top. Periodically it is opened to provide an influx of fresh air.

How many days cabbage is stored in the refrigerator: fresh, cut, chopped

The freshness zone is specially designed for vegetables and fruits

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator

You can store cabbage in the refrigerator in different forms – a fresh head of cabbage, chopped, frozen, stewed. Depending on this, the optimal storage periods are determined.


Long-term maintenance of fresh cabbage is quite possible. Even if you just put it in a compartment with vegetables, a head of cabbage will lie for about a month. And if you pack in several layers of cling film, the shelf life can be increased up to 6-8 weeks.

After a few days, the top leaves of the cabbage will flake. Therefore, even dirty ones do not need to be removed – they will remain as additional “packaging”.


The shelf life of fresh cabbage in the refrigerator increases significantly if you freeze it. This is the most reliable way that allows you to remove vegetables for 9-12 months, i.e. actually until the next harvest. Such a long period of storage is possible only if the low-temperature regime is observed (-18 degrees or slightly lower).

The preparation instructions are as follows:

  1. Chop the leaves into thin strips.
  2. Compactly placed in a container or in a bag that is designed specifically for freezing.
  3. Put in the freezer or chest.

Freezing as a storage method has several advantages. Allows you to fully preserve vitamins and other useful substances. The shelf life is as long as possible. But the pulp loses its crunch and partly its appearance. It is not suitable for making salads.

Attention! It is recommended to defrost the product at room temperature.

It cannot be refrozen. Therefore, when unfolding in bags, you should make small portions that can really be used at a time.


You can also store cabbage in the refrigerator in cut form. This need is often encountered when the head of cabbage is very large, and not so much vegetables are required, for example, for soup or salad. Then the forks are cut in half, one part is used for cooking, and the second is tightly wrapped with paper and cling film.

Then put in the compartment of the refrigerator with vegetables. The shelf life is 1-2 weeks. In this case, the cut will inevitably dry out, therefore, before the next use of cabbage, it is better to cut this layer with a sharp knife.


The shelf life of stewed cabbage in the refrigerator is as short as possible. Such a product can be kept for no more than three days. It is advisable to leave the mass in the pan under the lid or put it on a plate, and cover it with cling film or a bag on top.

How many days cabbage is stored in the refrigerator: fresh, cut, chopped

Stewed cabbage is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days

If there is a need for long-term storage of the product, it is allowed to cool completely, put in a food container or thermal bag and sent to the freezer (temperature -18 degrees). Under such conditions, storage is allowed for 5-6 months. Similarly, you can make dumplings and also freeze them for the future for the whole winter.

Shredded (grated)

Shredded (grated cabbage) has a short shelf life in the refrigerator. If you put it on a plate and cover it with cling film or in a food container, you can keep it for up to 24 hours. For long-term preservation, it is recommended to freeze – then the product can be kept up to 12 months.


It is best to store sauerkraut in the refrigerator. This is a tasty and healthy snack that can be kept for a long time. Specific timing depends on the capacity:

  1. In a wooden tub for 6-8 months (it is often taken out to the balcony, kept at a temperature of -1 to +2 degrees).
  2. In a glass, hermetically sealed jar in the refrigerator, the product can be kept for up to six months.
  3. The same amount is stored in enamelware.
  4. In plastic, securely closed trays – no more than three months.
Advice! Early varieties are distinguished by short shelf life – even in the refrigerator, heads of cabbage lie for no more than two months. Therefore, if you managed to harvest a large crop, some of the vegetables should be immediately sent for pickling or pickling.


You can also store young cabbage in the refrigerator in dried form. For cooking, proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the top leaves from the heads.
  2. Cut into small cubes of 2-3 cm with a sharp knife.
  3. On the eve of drying, the pieces are dipped in boiling water for literally two minutes.
  4. Throw on a sieve and cool under running water for another minute.
  5. Shake off, let the water drain.
  6. Spread in one layer of the dryer or on a baking sheet of the oven.
  7. Dry at a temperature of 60 degrees for 4-5 hours.
  8. Allow to cool, put in bags and put in the refrigerator. The shelf life is 1,5-2 months.
How many days cabbage is stored in the refrigerator: fresh, cut, chopped

For drying, the leaves can be cut into squares or straws.

How to keep fresh cabbage in the refrigerator longer

To keep fresh cabbage in the refrigerator for a long time, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. Wrap heads of cabbage in 2-3 layers of cling film. It is desirable to make several holes in it. The forks themselves should first be wrapped in thick paper – it will absorb excess moisture and prevent the pulp from rotting. Periodically, the paper layer must be replaced.
  2. Another way to increase the shelf life is to wrap the heads in thick paper, and then put them in a plastic bag. In it, you first need to make several holes for air access.
  3. The longest shelf life can be ensured not in the refrigerator, but in the freezer – up to 12 months.
  4. You can keep sauerkraut for a long time. Even if you put it in ordinary glass jars, the shelf life will be up to six months. After opening, store no more than three days in the refrigerator.

Features of storage of various types of cabbage

The shelf life of white cabbage in the refrigerator is largely determined not only by the conditions, but also by the characteristics of the variety. From the point of view of the duration of storage, three groups can be distinguished:

  1. Early varieties are least stored. Even if all the conditions are met, the plugs can be kept for no more than 1,5-2 months.
  2. Mid-season crops are stored in the refrigerator longer – up to 2-3 months.
  3. The storage period of late-ripening cabbage is up to 7-9 months. This is realistic if you maintain the temperature in the range of 0-2 degrees Celsius.

The term is partly influenced by the features of agricultural technology. If you grow a crop on your own, it is better to do it on loamy rather than sandy loamy soils. It is important to monitor moderate watering and not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers. They must be applied strictly according to the instructions and only in late spring – early summer. During the period of active head formation, nitrogen is no longer given – phosphorus and potassium are added instead.


You can store cabbage in the refrigerator for a long time, especially if you put it in the freezer, ferment or pickle. You can also send heads of cabbage to the freshness zone. If you additionally pack them in paper and cling film, then the shelf life will be 1,5-2 months.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator

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