How many children have been vaccinated against COVID-19? MZ gives the numbers. Expert: there should be more
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The Delta variant in Poland may result in a re-lockdown, the scientists warn. To prevent the worst from happening, they call for compliance with several rules, including the vaccination of adolescents 12+. From the data of the Ministry of Health, we know that the first dose was received by over 432. young people. How many are fully vaccinated? Is it a lot or a little? When is the best time to get them vaccinated? For MedTvoiLokony, a specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics, Dr. Lidia Stopyra, commented.

  1. One of the most important steps in the fight against the coronavirus, including the Delta mutation, is the full vaccination of children and adolescents aged 12-17
  2. According to the data of the Ministry of Health on June 28, 432 thousand people took the first dose of the vaccine. 790 people aged 12-17, 45 are fully vaccinated. 611 young people
  3. Dr. Lidia Stopyra, contagious pediatrician, comments: looking at the numbers given, I think that there should be more young people after the first dose.
  4. The expert points out that many people ask her whether to vaccinate young people now, or is it better to postpone it, for example, until September. “In my opinion, the best time to get vaccinated is now”
  5. In an interview with Medonet, the contagious doctor says that adolescents are vaccinated “for slightly different reasons than the elderly”
  6. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

Vaccinating adolescents 19+ against COVID-12 in the fight against the Delta mutation

The fourth wave caused by the Coronavirus Delta mutation is getting louder and louder. The pathogen spreading across Europe has not bypassed Poland. In an interview with Medonet, Dr. Aneta Afelt from the COVID-19 Team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences recalled the research of prof. Krzysztof Pyrć from the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University, which indicate that Delta appeared in our country (in a detectable percentage) at the end of May (individual cases were recorded at the end of April).

  1. The Delta variant is spreading across Europe. Will it be possible to contain the fourth wave?

Members of the COVID-19 team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences note that Delta now “accounts for a few percent of all infections and is spreading at a pace.” In their opinion, “it can be assumed that in September it will become the majority variant in Poland as a whole”. What is worse, in the opinion of scientists, the Delta variant poses a much greater threat to Poland than, for example, to Great Britain. “The Delta variant in Poland may result in the necessity of another lockdown” – they write directly in the position published on June 28.

  1. More on this in the article: What to do to prevent the Delta variant from triggering another lockdown? Experts call for the application of the seven principles

We are not defenseless in the face of the Delta mutation. “It depends on us how high the fourth wave of COVID-19 cases will be” – emphasize the scientists and show how we can control the virus. One of the most important points is the full coverage of children and adolescents aged 12-17. Let us remind you that in mid-May, registration for vaccinations of people aged 16-17 started, and on June 7 this group was joined by children aged 12+. Adolescents are vaccinated against COVID-19 by Pfizer / BioNTech.

– In total, we have about 2,5 million people aged 12-17 to vaccinate – reminds Dr. Lidia Stopyra. How many are after the first dose, how many are fully vaccinated? We received specific numbers from the Ministry of Health (they represent the state as of June 28). Our expert commented on them.

Dr Lidia Stopyra

a specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics, heads the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics at Szpital Specjalistyczny im. S. Żeromski in Krakow

How many adolescents have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in Poland? The Ministry of Health gives the numbers, the expert comments

According to the data that Medonet received from the Ministry of Health, as of June 28, the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 by Pfizer / BioNTech was received by 432. 790 people aged 12-17. In this age group, 45 are fully vaccinated (after two doses). 611 people. Are these numbers satisfactory?

– We vaccinate the youngest, i.e. children aged 12-15 years, from June 7, so here there will be very few cases of full vaccination, because – let me remind you – we have to wait at least three weeks to be able to take the second dose – comments Dr. Lidia Stopyra. – We vaccinate the elderly, aged 16-18, from May. Looking at the numbers given, I think that there should be more adolescents after the first dose today – he emphasizes.

The doctor pays attention to an important issue: – However, my observation shows that it is not the case that young people do not want to be vaccinated. Rather, it is a question of what time to get vaccinated. Because school is over and holidays have started, there are vacation plans, and here you have to take the second dose. Therefore, many people ask me whether to vaccinate now or better to postpone it for example in September.

What is the answer? – In my opinion, the best time to get vaccinated is right now – emphasizes the specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics. – Remember that adolescents need to be vaccinated with two doses. The minimum interval between one and the other is three weeks, but it can also be four or five weeks – so the vaccination plan can be reconciled with vacation plans. Two weeks after the second, the young will be fully immune and ready to go to school in September.

Dr. Lidia Stopyra also mentioned studies that show how the vaccine used in adolescents protects against the Delta mutation: – In mid-June, an article on the effectiveness of vaccines against the Delta mutation was published in the scientific journal “The Lancet”. The presented studies showed that, two weeks after taking the second dose, the Pfizer vaccine in 88% of patients. protected against symptomatic infection caused by this variant (and 94% against the Alpha variant).

COVID-19 outbreak. “We vaccinate young people for slightly different reasons than the elderly”

According to the presented data, fully vaccinating yourself and your loved ones, including children and adolescents, is one of the main tools in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, including the expected fourth wave. However, some people doubt the sense of vaccinating this youngest age group – the argument is raised that children have asymptomatic diseases. Dr. Lidia Stopyra referred to this:

– Indeed, COVID-19 is much milder in children than in the elderly and rarely causes serious complications, but such cases do occur – an example is PIMS – he reminds.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

The expert draws attention to another very important reason for vaccinating adolescents, which cannot be forgotten: – We all know how psychologically difficult the covid reality, the month-long shutdown and remote teaching was for children. If we do not vaccinate the children, it will all come back in the fall. School will start, sickness will start, and the consequences of it. In fact, the third year of distance learning would begin – underlines.

– Vaccination against COVID-19 is therefore not only a protection against severe SARS-CoV-2 infection (because it cannot be excluded), but also a form of protection of children against isolation – fully vaccinated children will not be quarantined, they will be able to function normally. So we can say that we vaccinate adolescents for slightly different reasons than the elderly – he says.

How to register a child for COVID-19 vaccination?

Registration is similar to that of adults. You can make an appointment by phone by calling the free hotline of the National Immunization Program – 989 or by sending an SMS to the number 664 908 556 or 880 333 333 saying: VaccinateSie or by contacting the selected vaccination center.

You can also register your child on the home page of by providing his PESEL number, his name and the telephone number to which the confirmation of the place and date of vaccination will come.

Finally, the specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics reminds: – We must not forget that vaccinations are our best weapon against infectious diseases. Thanks to them, many of them were completely mastered. An example is hepatitis B. Now, 25 years after the introduction of vaccination, this disease has practically disappeared in children for several years. The SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are also safe, we cannot say that vaccinating children, whatever we risk.

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