Fighting extra centimeters is not easy, you will need a lot of strength and will to win. And a positive result will be achieved only by those who went straight to achieving their dreams.
Often, if a woman was overweight, she justified it not with her weak will, but with some health problems, genetic predisposition, a riot of hormones – whatever. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to admit that simple laziness is to blame.
So how many calories do you need to burn to get rid of 1 kg of fat?
How many calories do you need to burn per day to get rid of 1 kg of fat?
It is believed that in order to burn 1 kg of fat, you need to spend 7700 kcal. Nutritionists advise to lose weight by 2-4 kg per month (precisely due to fat). Accordingly, in order to safely throw off 0,5 kg of fat per week for the body (keep in mind that the plumb line will be slightly larger due to lost water, muscles and other things), it is necessary to create a calorie deficit of 3850 kcal per week, which is 550 kcal per day (3850: 7).
It is precisely this calorie deficit that must be created in order to remove 2 kg of fat per month.
It is impossible to lose weight by cutting only your diet. You must eat properly and in a balanced way. Therefore, it is necessary to get a calorie deficit in a complex way: by reducing the calorie intake and by increasing physical activity. With an active lifestyle, the metabolism accelerates, the body burns calories faster in the course of daily activities.
All this is possible if you go through all the stages presented below.
We formulate a goal
The main thing that needs to be done is to formulate a goal. First, make a list of what will bring you weight loss. For example, it can be a dress, a variety of outfits, dates with handsome men, a healthy body. Also, make a list of reasons that can prevent you from achieving this goal.
These points include softness, weakness, spinelessness. If you keep these two lists in front of you at all times and correlate the obstacles and possible results, you will surely overcome all obstacles.
Psychological mindset to lose weight
By realizing your weaknesses, you will know what to do next. The more specifically you describe the obstacles, the more likely you are to deal with them. For example, weak will. There is no weak will “in principle”, but it can be weak in relation to something. For example, sweets or workouts. Which exit? Strengthen it by developing new habits. Make a promise to yourself to cut sugar and confectionery for a week, or do as little exercise as possible. Keep your promise and you will feel completely different at the end of the week. Work this way with all your weaknesses.
Calculating a safe minimum of calories
Let’s not forget that calories are simply necessary to maintain the vital functions of our body, namely: for the work of the cardiovascular system, for the respiratory, endocrine, excretory and so on. And in complete rest, our body spends calories. Now let’s talk about a safe minimum of calories per day.
There is an opinion among the people that a woman needs to consume about 2000 kilocalories per day, while men are at least 500 more. But, as for women, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle, it is worth saying that this figure is somewhat overestimated. In order to determine exactly how many kilocalories your body needs to maintain weight or lose weight, you need to carry out simple calculations. You need to measure your height, weight, prepare a calculator.
The most accurate formula looks like this:
- for women 9,99 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 4,92 x age – 161;
- for men the same formula, just add 5.
Using this formula, we calculate how many calories we need in order to maintain weight and not gain weight.
To calculate how many calories a person who has decided to lose weight should consume per day, you must first find out How long energy is expended during your physical activity per day.
If you have low physical activity, that is, you lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not engage in any kind of sports, you should multiply the number obtained by the formula by 1,2. If you do 1-2 times a week at least fitness, then you should multiply the result by 1,375. If your daily activity is average, that is, you play sports up to 5 times a week, multiply this number by 1,55. With a higher activity – by 1,725. Are you a professional athlete? Then by 1,9.
Let’s try, using an example, to calculate How long energy is required in order not to gain weight, and also how many calories you need to burn per day in order to noticeably lose weight.
An example of calculating calories for weight loss
Let our example be a 38-year-old girl, her weight is 81 kg, her height is 160 cm. With this growth, the excess weight is about 15-20 kg. The girl’s activity during the day is average. So:
- 9,99 x 81 + 6.25 x 160 – 4,92 x 38 – 161 = 809.19 + 1000 – 186.96 – 161 = 1461,2 kcal;
- 1461,2 x 1,2 (low activity) = 1753,5 kcal in order to provide the body with the necessary energy and not gain weight (for those who have not been on diets before).
The woman in our example is overweight, so she needs to reduce calorie intake and add physical activity. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to reduce the calorie intake by 10-15%. So, in our example, 175-260 kcal.
So, for a woman in our example, the corridor of calorie intake during weight loss will be 1493-1578 kcal. That is, its calorie deficit will be 175-260 kcal per day.
Remember: you cannot, under any circumstances, reduce the calorie content below 1200 kcal per day (for men, at least 1600 kcal), because you will put the body in a hungry position and lack of energy. Unfortunately, today many diets advise to reduce the diet to 500-1000 kcal, and this is not safe and threatens with serious hormonal disorders.
How to properly burn calories
Our metabolism works non-stop, burning calories not only during exercise, but also during rest, sleep and even digestion. You don’t have to force yourself to exercise for several hours a day to burn more calories. It is enough 3-5 workouts per week for just one hour, but you will have to increase the level of non-training activity.
What everyone can do:
- Choose the number of workouts that you can maintain from week to week – this can be either three or five sessions of 60 minutes each.
- Increase calorie expenditure by increasing mobility at home – walk more often in the fresh air, give up the elevator, go shopping yourself, move more at home, find yourself an active hobby, or even get into the habit of doing light cardio on the simulator or a simple set of exercises while watching your loved one show.
- There are real whole foods – cereals from unpeeled cereals, poultry / fish / eggs / cottage cheese instead of sausages and sweet curds, vegetables and fruits, unrefined oils, nuts and seeds. From whole foods, the body will receive more nutrients and spend more calories for absorption.
Practical tips for losing weight
Accordingly, we will advise the girl from our example to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 175-260 kcal per day and keep the calorie content corridor at 1493-1578 kcal. And apply physical activity daily, burning an additional 290-375 kcal, achieving a calorie deficit of 550 kcal per day. And how you can burn extra calories, see here.
It will even be enough just to walk at a brisk pace of 50-80 minutes every day, but if you start visiting the fitness room, it’s just wonderful! So you will not only increase your calorie consumption, but also untwist your metabolism, strengthen the muscles of your body and improve the proportions of your figure.
Please note that the calorie requirements of a person who exercises regularly is higher than that of someone who does not exercise at all.
Remember that the lighter you are, the fewer calories your body needs for general metabolism. Therefore, it is necessary to recalculate the calorie corridor after losing every 5 kg.
So, we have learned how to calculate How long your body needs to burn kilocalories per day in order to start losing weight. By counting calories, you don’t have to deprive yourself of a variety of favorite foods.