How to stay young longer? Taoist sages believe that you should adjust your body according to the phases of the moon. This will help delay the onset of menopause and give years of beauty and health.
Since ancient times, the female cycle has coincided with the lunar cycles. He continues to do this now: German researchers recently proved this relationship. This idea is 100% in line with the Taoist tradition. Of course, our way of life and its modern challenges “knocked us out of the rut.” But is it possible today to adjust your cycle to the lunar one, and if so, how and why?
Turn off the light
What do we mean when we talk about the coincidence of the female and lunar cycles? The lunar cycle lasts an average of about 29 days: during this time, the moon has time to grow, become full – and after the full moon begins to decrease. In women, as we know, the monthly cycle can normally be from 21 to 30 days. But its ideal duration is 28-29 days, that is, the same as the lunar one.
As in the lunar cycle there is a new moon and a full moon, so in the female body there are two points (extremes): ovulation and menstruation. And these indicators – the phases of the moon and the extremes of our cycle – can also coincide. The German studies also mentioned factors that interfere with such a match: age and artificial lighting.
In young women, the cycle often corresponds in duration to the lunar one. With age, this period may be reduced, that is, menstruation occurs more often.
As for the lighting, thanks to the electric light, we began to go to bed later. And such a regime disrupts the hormonal balance. Therefore, among the scientific recommendations for synchronizing cycles is to go to bed before 23:XNUMX: so that by this time you are already asleep. Then the body will work like a clock (or rather, in this case, like the phases of the moon).
Turn your attention to yourself
In the Taoist tradition, it is believed that not only sleep hygiene helps to synchronize cycles. Attentive attitude to one’s health, emotional background and special exercises are also important.
Let’s analyze these factors, but first let’s clarify: if you follow all the rules described below, according to the Taoists, you can not only synchronize the female cycle with the lunar one. It is in our power to make sure that ovulation and menstruation coincide with the new moon and full moon. But why is this necessary?
Taoists believe that we have the basic, vital energy Qi. On the full moon, it increases, and we feel a surge of strength. On the new moon, on the contrary, Qi decreases, strength becomes less, we get tired, it would seem, for no reason. In the same way, in a woman’s body, the level of Qi changes depending on the internal cycle of the body: during menstruation, we lose strength, and during ovulation, on the contrary, we have more energy.
The main goal of Taoist medicine is to find balance, so Chinese doctors believe that:
- a woman’s menstruation should fall on the full moon, so the loss of strength will be balanced by the moon, the full moon will energize us;
- ovulation, on the contrary, is on the new moon. Then the decline in strength due to the phase of the moon will be neutralized by an internal resource.
This synchronization with natural cycles will allow a woman to stay young longer and delay menopause.
Use synchronization methods
How to achieve such unity with nature? Let’s look at the three factors mentioned above that make this possible.
1. Attention. If you follow not only your cycle, but also correlate it with the phases of the moon, this already helps synchronization. You just need to start a calendar in which you will mark both cycles, and for a start just observe how they correlate.
2. Emotional background. It is directly related to hormones. Strong long-term stress is bad for the menstrual cycle, while calmness and confidence have a positive effect on women’s health.
In order to naturally, without violence to yourself, even out the emotional background, I recommend adding another column called “emotional state” to the cycle calendar. You can keep a mood chart, evaluate it daily, say, on a scale from 1 to 10.
Thus, you can watch how the emotional background changes along with the phases of the moon and your cycle. You will get the opportunity, as if from the outside, to assess your condition: today there were many experiences, because menstruation is coming, and yesterday the mood was at zero – against the backdrop of a new moon. This helps not to plunge into emotions, but to treat them with irony, more neutrally.
3. Exercise. For example, women’s Taoist practices, whose task is to relax the pelvic area and thereby normalize the blood supply to the genitals.
As Western and Eastern practices show, nothing is impossible! We are part of the Universe, and even if we forget about it for a while, there is always a chance to return to the lifestyle and health that nature has in us.