How long will the coronavirus be active? The  epidemiologist has a specific answer
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How long will the coronavirus be dangerous for us? At what air temperature is it most viable? Natalia Pszenichnaja, a epidemiologist and deputy director for clinical and analytical matters at the Central Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, knows the answers to these questions. What was established?

  1. Epidemiologist: SARS-CoV-2 feels best in wet and cold weather
  2. Natalia Pszenichnaja: coronavirus activity in various regions of the world will continue for about a year and a half
  3. Kremlin spokesman: mass vaccination against coronavirus should begin before the end of the year
  4. You can read more of these stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Under what conditions does the coronavirus “feel” best?

The scientist presented the latest information on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus during the congress “Control and prevention of infections associated with healthcare provision”. As the epidemiologist emphasizes, contrary to the expectations of many specialists, COVID-19 is not a seasonal infection that occurs from January to April. – In this respect, the hopes of specialists did not come true. Nevertheless, it is already clear that the pathogen is most viable at (air) temperatures between 0 and 10 degrees Celsius. Pshenichnaya said, adding: “He also feels comfortable at higher temperatures.”

The scientist also stressed that the coronavirus spreads best when air humidity is high, which is happening right now – in the fall and winter. Pshenichnaya, however, notes that SARS-CoV-2 can spread even at relatively low humidity.

So the conclusion is this: the most comfortable conditions for the coronavirus are when it is cool and wet.

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The deputy director for clinical and analytical matters at the Central Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor also said how long the pathogen will remain viable. Her answer is very specific. – Coronavirus activity in many regions of the world will last about one and a half years.

Coronavirus in Our Country: Mass Vaccinations Before the End of the Year?

On November 24, the makers of the Sputnik V vaccine announced that it is 95 percent effective. Scientists from the Gamalei, who developed the preparation, ensured that no side effects were reported during the ongoing research.

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Two days later, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, announced that mass vaccination against the coronavirus should begin in Our Country before the end of the year (he noted that it would be voluntary). However, the official did not specify when exactly they could start, and described the mass use of the vaccine as “a great task”.

“I cannot give a specific date, but it should be before the end of the year, we expect,” said Peskov, quoted by the TASS agency. As he added, it is too early to talk about mass vaccinations, and their application will be phased, depending on the “geography and storage capacity of the substance”. The Kremlin spokesman also noted that the availability of the vaccine will depend on the manufacturers’ capabilities.

Earlier, the Minister of Health, Tatiana Golikowa, indicated 2021 as the possible date for starting vaccinations. As the RBK website reminds us, doctors and teachers would be vaccinated in the first place.

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