Remove the plastic wrap from the sausages before cooking. Put the sausages in a pot of boiling water and cook for 2-5 minutes. There is no need to salt the sausages during cooking. Put the boiled sausages out of the pan immediately.
How to cook sausages
Microwave is the fastest way to make sausages
- Peel the sausages from the artificial casing, cutting it at one end, do not remove the natural casing, but pierce in a couple of places.
- Put the sausages on a plate, you do not need to add water, since there is already enough of it in the sausages.
- Place a plate of sausages in the microwave, cover with a lid, turn on the heating mode of 600 watts for 1-2 minutes, depending on whether the sausages are large.
Important! Adjust no more than 70-80% of the microwave power, full power can melt the sausages.
Cook sausages in a saucepan
- Remove the plastic wrap from the sausages by cutting at one end and spiraling around the sausages. Do not remove the natural casing.
- Pour 400 milliliters of cold water into a shallow saucepan, place it on the burner over high heat, and let it boil.
- Put sausages in boiling water, change the heat to low, close the pan with a lid.
- Cook the sausages for 2 minutes, serve with the sauce and garnish.
Other cooking methods
How to cook sausages in a slow cooker
The method is the same as in the pan
1. Peel the sausages from the polyethylene shell, do not remove the natural one.
2. Pour 300 milliliters of boiling water into the multicooker bowl, or boil directly in the multicooker at maximum mode.
3. Put sausages in a bowl of water, turn on the “Cooking” mode.
4. Cook the sausages for 2 minutes.
How to cook sausages in a double boiler
1. Peel the sausages from the polyethylene shell, do not remove the natural one.
2. Pour 1 liter of cold water into a double boiler, place over high heat, let it boil.
3. Put the sausages on the wire rack of the first tier of a double boiler, keep for a couple of 3-5 minutes.
How long to cook sausages
Sausages are a ready-made product that just needs to be warmed up. It only takes a few minutes.
Frozen sausages cook 2-3 minutes longer than chilled ones.
If you overcook the sausages, they can spread. And it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing. For reliability, be guided by the time indicated in the recommendations.
How to cook sausages on the stove
Bring water in a saucepan to a boil. Arrange the sausages so that the liquid covers them. Chilled, cook for 3-5 minutes over medium heat, frozen – 5-8 minutes.
How to cook sausages in the microwave
Remove the artificial casing from the sausages and put them in a microwaveable container . Chilled cook at full power for 1-1.5 minutes, frozen – 3-4 minutes.

If you cook sausages for 2-3 minutes longer, they will turn out baked. But don’t bake them too long or they might dry out.
How to cook sausages in a slow cooker
In water
Put the sausages in the multicooker bowl, fill with hot water and close the lid. Set the “Cooking” mode and cook for about 5 minutes if the sausages are chilled, and 7-8 minutes if they are frozen.
For a couple
Pour 2-3 cups of water into the multicooker bowl . Place a steaming container on top, put the sausages in it and close the lid. Cook chilled in the “Steaming” mode for about 10 minutes, frozen – 12-13 minutes.
How to serve sausages in an original way
Before cooking, sausages can be cut into a spiral. To do this, prick the sausage along the entire length onto a long stick. Then make cuts on the sausage with a knife, turning it with your hand and not cutting through to the end. Carefully remove the wand.
Children will surely appreciate the funny octopuses. Cut a piece of sausage in half, flip it on its side, and divide it again. Each resulting “leg” can also be cut in half so that there are more of them.
And here is another interesting idea on how to cut and serve sausages, for example, with scrambled eggs:

Simple Recipes
Boiled sausages with pasta
For 2 servings: boil a lot of water (2 liters), add salt, add 100 grams of pasta, after 5 minutes add sausages cut into circles or just whole, cook together for 3 minutes after boiling. Drain through a colander, drizzle with butter and sauce, and serve.
How to cook hairy sausages
Pierce the sausages with long thin pasta so that you get a hedgehog. Dip the sausage and pasta hedgehogs into the saucepan one at a time, so that the pasta has time to soak. Cook each of the hairy sausages for 10 minutes. The technology is simple: the first part of the hairy sausages is cooked, and when the pasta is completely immersed in the water, you can add a couple more hairy sausages.
About baby sausages
Cook sausages “Krokha” and other “mini sausages” for 2 minutes.
In a shell or without
You can cook sausages both in a casing and without it – the main thing is not to eat an unnatural casing in the end. To save time, the fake casing can be removed while the hot water is boiling for boiling the sausages. But if the shell is natural, it does not need to be peeled off at all.
Sausage math
– Cost sausages – 350-450 rubles / kilogram (on average in Moscow for June 2020).
– Calorie value boiled sausages – 250-300 kcal / 100 grams.
How to choose good sausages
The price per kilogram of natural meat sausages cannot be less than per kilogram of meat. To reduce the cost of sausages, fiber and dietary fiber are often added, this is usually indicated in the composition. The GOST sign on the packaging speaks of the standard composition, the TU sign – of unusual ingredients: spices, cheeses, etc.
The composition of high-quality sausages does not include flavorings, thickeners, dyes, modified starch. If the sausages are dark in color, they contain too many preservatives and may have been processed more than once. Sodium nitrite is added to almost all sausages to give them a pink color. If the sausages are bright pink, most likely they have gone too far with dyes.
The shelf life of sausages by weight is 3-5 days, in a vacuum package – 15-20 days. After cooking, store the sausages in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.
What to serve sausages with
– The most popular side dishes for boiled sausages are pasta and potatoes. For a snack, lettuce leaves, cheese, tomatoes are suitable.
– The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, sour cream, adjika, soy sauce, mustard.