How long to cook peach compote?

Boil peach compote for preparation for the winter for 30 minutes.

How to cook peach compote

Peach compote proportions

Peaches – half a kilo

Water – 1 liter

Sugar – 300 grams

How to cook peach compote

Select ripe, juicy peaches for compote. Wash peaches, peel with a brush, remove seeds.

Prepare the syrup: pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, stirring and removing the foam. Put peeled peaches in syrup, cook for 5 minutes after boiling again. Remove peach skins. Put the peaches in a jar, pour over the slightly cooled syrup and cover with a lid.

Put a towel on the bottom of a wide and deep saucepan, put a jar of peaches, pour hot water over the pan and put on fire. Pasteurize the compote for 20 minutes, roll up, cool and store.


Delicious facts

1. Calorie value peach compote – 78 kcal / 100 grams.

2. Peach compote can be prepared in two ways – make mashed potatoes from peaches or put halves of fruit in a jar, pouring syrup.

3. Peach compote with bone it turns out fragrant and has a tart taste due to the stone. In the case of boiling a peach compote with seeds, the compote should be drunk in the first year, since during long-term storage, the seeds from the fruit begin to emit poisonous substances that can cause poisoning.

4. The finished compote turns out concentrated, therefore, when consumed, it is better to dilute it with boiled water.

5. Roughness of peaches can be easily removed by adding a little baking soda to a bowl or bowl of water, stirring until the baking soda dissolves and leaving for 5 minutes. After the allotted time, rinse the peaches in a basin, remove and rinse under running water.

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