How long to cook oysters?

Traditionally, oysters are eaten raw and preferably very fresh. Before serving, oysters are sorted, leaving only open shells, washed and served with butter and cheese. But it is also allowed to cook oysters – bring salted water with spices to a boil, put thawed or fresh oysters, cook for a maximum of 1 minute.

Delicious facts

How to eat oysters

Oysters are the most unusual and controversial seafood in terms of taste. To a person who has never dealt with them before, they will most likely seem bland and tasteless, so it is best to add products to them that enhance the main taste. These enhancers include butter, soy sauce, and tomatoes. For example, you can add to them a sauce made of white or onions fried in butter with the addition of cream. For a more “Asian” serving, you can put two saucers with oysters: one with soy sauce, and the other with a tightly mixed ball of wasabi – it is wasabi that reveals that oyster taste well.

To make the sauce tastier, add some oyster sauce and Japanese vinegar to the soybeans. Decorate the dish with lime and chopped green onions, put some chuka salad from the sushi market inside the shells. You can form a neat pillow from chuki, on top of which you can put shells to your liking.


Cooking oysters costs exactly as much as you plan to eat at one time. Never cook them for future use, because a product that is usually eaten raw will not bring you gastronomic pleasure the next day.

How to serve oysters

The oysters are opened and served on a wide platter covered with crushed ice.

How to choose oysters

1. The lifespan of oysters in unnatural conditions is no more than a month. Pay attention to the date of the catch.

2. Ajar shells are a bad sign, you shouldn’t buy them.

3. Count on portions – no more than 12 per person.

What is the price of oysters?

The price of live oysters is from 900 rubles / kg (on average in Moscow for June 2020).

Baked oysters


Oysters – 12 pcs.

Grated cheese (Parmesan) – 2 tablespoons

Butter – a small cube 2×2 centimeters

Salt and dill to taste.

Cooking oysters

Open the oyster shells, put the oysters on a deep flap, salt each, put on each cheese, pour with melted butter, put in a baking dish, put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees, and bake for 7 minutes. Serve garnished with dill sprigs.

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