How long to cook hashlama?

How long to cook hashlama?

Cook the khashlama for 3 to 8 hours, depending on the youthfulness of the lamb (cook young lamb in khashlama for 2 hours, the old one up to 7 hours).

How to cook khashlama


Lamb – 1 kilogram

Carrots – 1 piece

Saffron – a pinch

Onions – 1 head

Parsley root – 1 piece

Cilantro stalks – a few twigs

Pepper – a few peas

Salt – half a teaspoon

Dried mint – small handful

Dried basil – small handful

Garlic – 3 prongs

Potatoes – 1 piece

Tomato – 1 piece

How to cook khashlama

1. Wash the lamb, chop it together with the bones into medium-sized pieces.

2. Put the lamb with bones in a wide, shallow saucepan, pour water over it so that its level is not higher than the meat.

3. Place a saucepan with lamb over medium heat and let it boil.

4. Reduce heat to low, cook lamb under the lid for 2 to 7 hours, depending on the maturity of the ram, until the meat is tender – it should become soft and give a strong aroma.

5. Periodically skim the broth.

6. Peel the carrots, cut into rounds 1 centimeter thick.

7. Wash cilantro stalks and parsley root, do not chop.

8. Cut the peeled onion into several large slices.

9. Wash the potatoes, cut into large pieces.

10. Wash the tomato, pour boiling water over for a minute, drain the boiling water.

11. Remove the peel from the tomato and cut into 3 cm thick cubes.

12. Peel the garlic, do not chop.

13. An hour before the meat is ready, put in a saucepan stalks of cilantro and parsley, onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cloves of garlic, peppercorns, leave to simmer for an hour.

14. 10 minutes before the khashlama is ready, remove the parsley roots and cilantro stems from the pan.

15. Put a pinch of saffron and salt in the khashlama and simmer for another 5 minutes.

16. Sprinkle dried basil and mint on top of the hashlama poured into clay soup bowls.


Delicious facts

– Khashlama is a dish of Caucasian cuisine. Khashlama is cooked throughout the region, each nationality has its own peculiarities of making khashlama.

– Khashlama – it thick rich soup made from meat that stews for a long time over low heat. In khashlam, there should be several times more meat than vegetables and broth.

– Traditionally, khashlama is served not in plates, but in clay bowls.

– For khashlama use meat lamb, veal, beef, very rarely – pork. The meat may or may not be on the bone.

– By traditional recipe meat for khashlama is cut in medium pieces, poured with cold water, simmered over low heat for 2 to 7 hours. First of all, coarsely chopped onions are added to the almost finished meat, then the rest of the vegetables – potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Vegetables should be coarsely chopped. You need to salt the khashlama five minutes before cooking.

– For enhancing the aroma khashlamami it is cooked at the stake.

– AT contrast from another Caucasian soup – khash, khashlama is cooked faster, since the meat does not need to be soaked in advance. Also, you can add any vegetables to khashlama – potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, eggplants, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, and only radish goes to khash. Khash is made as a thin soup, in contrast to khashlama, which should be very thick.

Reading time – 3 minutes.


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