How long to cook green borscht?

How long to cook green borscht?

Cook the green borscht for 2 hours.

How to cook green borsch


Pork bones – 1 kilogram

Pork – 0,5 kg

Bow – 2 heads

Carrots – 2 large

Potatoes – 4 medium

Sorrel – 350 grams (2 large bunches)

Salt, black peppercorns – to taste

Bay leaf – 2 pieces

Chicken eggs – 1 egg each

Sour cream – 1 tablespoon each

Dill – a few twigs


Cook broth

Pour 4 liters of water into a saucepan, put bones in it (if frozen, defrost them beforehand), add bay leaf and salt. Put the pan on a low heat, after boiling water, peel 1 onion and 1 carrot, cut into several pieces and add to the pan. Boil the bone broth for 40 minutes after boiling, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon or tablespoon. Then remove the bones, strain the broth (remove the vegetables, they are no longer needed), pour into the soup pot and return to the fire.

Cooking meat

Meat, if frozen, must be defrosted. Cut the pork into small pieces (2×2 centimeters), put in boiling broth, add peppercorns. Cook for 10 minutes, during which time prepare vegetables.

Cooking green borsch

Peel the onions, cut off the rhizome, finely chop. Peel and grate the carrots. Put the onions and carrots in the broth.

Peel the potatoes, cut into 1 centimeter cubes, put in the broth and cook for 15 minutes.

Sort sorrel for soup, wash and dry, cut into strips with a ceramic or wooden knife, put in borscht. Cook the green borscht until boiling and for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat, and insist the green borscht under the lid for 10 minutes.

Serving green borsch

Boil chicken eggs separately from the soup, cool under cold water, peel, cut into small cubes and put on a plate.

Put sour cream in a saucepan. Pour green borscht into plates, sprinkle each portion with finely chopped dill. Green borscht is eaten by adding eggs and sour cream to the plate.

Delicious facts

– The season for sorrel and, accordingly, green borscht is from late April to early June. This time is also the season for young nettles, which can also be added to green borscht. In winter, you can use frozen or canned sorrel.

– To make the soup dietary, the first broth can be drained. You can also use beef, lean chicken or turkey instead of pork. And so that the soup does not lose its flavor brightness, you can additionally add tomatoes and / or bell peppers.

– Additionally, you can add chopped onions and grated carrots to the green borscht – 5 minutes before adding sorrel. You can add a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce to the frying.

– Chicken eggs can be boiled in soup – for this you need to break them into a bowl, mix the whites with the yolks and pour a thin stream into a saucepan with green borscht 7 minutes before adding the sorrel. However, keep in mind that it is not recommended to store this soup for more than 3 days.

– For a special broth, add 3 tablespoons (a small cube) of butter to a pot of green borscht.

– You can substitute spinach for some of the sorrel in the soup.

– For a special aroma, before laying sorrel, you can add a glass of bread kvass to the green borscht.

– Pork in the recipe can be replaced with fatty chicken parts (legs, thighs). In this case, you should not cook the bone broth, but boil the chicken in a large amount of salted water, then put it out of the pan, cool, separate the meat from the bones and return the chicken meat to the broth for the green borscht.

Bookmark sequence and the cooking time for products in green borscht:

1) Bones – 40 minutes after boiling water;

2) Meat – 40 minutes after boiling;

3) Onions and carrots – 20 minutes;

4) Potatoes – 15 minutes;

5) Frying (optional) – for 10 minutes;

6) Sorrel – 5 minutes;

7) Chicken eggs (optional) – for 7 minutes.

– The cost of basic products for green borscht according to our recipe is from 500 rubles. (as of July 2019).

Reading time – 4 minutes.


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