Morse is not traditionally boiled – raw berries or fruits are squeezed out and diluted with boiling water, honey or sugar is added to taste, cake is thrown away. However, even for 1 glass, you need a lot of berries. To increase the concentration of the fruit drink, the berries are boiled for some time. Boil fruit drink from fresh berries for 1-10 minutes.
Boil fruit drink from frozen berries for 10 minutes after boiling.
Boiling tips for fruit drinks
1. When cooking fruit drinks, you can add cinnamon, cloves, anise to taste.
2. Instead of sugar, you can use honey (in the same quantities as sugar).
3. To give the fruit drink a special colorful taste, you can add lemon juice, mint, cinnamon to the fruit drink.
4. Serve fruit drinks both cold and hot.
How to cook fruit drink
Water – 1 liter
Berries or jam – 1 glass
Honey or sugar – 3 tablespoons
How to cook fruit drink
Sort the berries, remove the spoiled ones. Rinse good berries, put in a saucepan, cover with water and add sugar. Put a saucepan with berries on the fire and cook for 10 minutes after boiling, dissolving sugar in water. Then strain the berries through a sieve and squeeze the berry juice. Mix the broth with juice – and the fruit drink is ready!