Boil eggs without shell (another name is scrambled eggs) for 20 seconds in boiling water.
How to cook scrambled eggs
Eggs – 4 pieces (I category)
Butter – 2 teaspoons (10 grams)
Salt – teaspoon (7 grams)
Ground pepper – to taste
Water – 1,2 liters
How to boil eggs without shells
1. Wash the eggs, cut the shell with a knife, release the contents into a bowl.
2. Mix yolks with whites with a fork until smooth.
3. Pour 1,2 liters of water into a small but wide saucepan and add a teaspoon of salt (with a barely noticeable slide).
4. Place the pot on the stove and wait for the water to boil.
5. Reduce the fire so that the liquid does not boil, but quietly boils.
6. Dip the spoon into a saucepan and vigorously, without splashing, stir the boiling water clockwise. Pour eggs in a stream into the formed “whirlpool”.
7. Close the saucepan with a lid, count to 20, then turn off the heat.
8. Strain the contents of the saucepan through a colander (eggs cooked without shells look like ribbons, and their consistency resembles a souffle).
9. Put boiled scrambled eggs on a plate and serve hot, season with butter and aromatic freshly ground black pepper.
Delicious facts
Boiled eggs without shells are a light dietary dish with a pleasant, but mild taste and smell. Therefore, spicy arugula, spicy cilantro, and rye bread toasts are perfectly combined with boiled scrambled eggs. To make this simple dish more satisfying, you can sprinkle the top with grated cheese or boiled sausage.
The dish is great for a variety of serving, because boiled eggs are one of the most common breakfasts, but over time, simple eggs become boring and you want to bring something new to the diet.
Boiled scrambled eggs taste like poached eggs, but they cook faster, easier and, unlike whole eggs cooked without shells, they simply cannot fail.
Egg whites that have been refrigerated for more than two weeks lose firmness. It becomes watery, and the dish turns out to be less airy. To remove excess moisture, each egg, after breaking, is preliminarily placed in a strainer, allowed to drain and only then sent to a mixing bowl.