It takes 1 hour to prepare 1 liter of plum and apple compote, and half an hour to prepare a quick compote.
Compote for the winter from plums and apples
For a 3 liter can
Apples – 4 pieces (medium)
Plums – 20 pieces
Water – 2,5 liters
Sugar – 1,5 cups 200 ml
How to cook plum and apple compote for the winter
1. Wash and grate the fruit dry.
2. Cut each of the four apples into 4 pieces and remove the core.
3. Remove the seeds from the plums cut in half.
4. Put prepared apples and plums in a liter jar, pour cold water.
5. Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, add 1 glass of sugar there.
6. Bring the syrup to a boil, pour over the apples and plums in the jar with boiling syrup, cover with a lid. Let stand for 10 minutes.
7. Pour the cooled syrup into a saucepan and bring to a boil again, boil for 1 minute.
8. Pour the boiling syrup into a jar of fruit.
9. Close the jar with the compote with a lid, turn it upside down, wrap it with a towel.
Put the cooled jar with compote for storage.
Quick compote of plums and apples
Plums – 15 pieces (300 grams)
Apples – 3 pieces (500 grams)
Sugar – 0,5 cups
Water – 1 liter
How to make apple and plum compote
1. Wash 3 apples, remove seeds, cut into wedges.
2. Wash 15 plums, cut in half, remove seeds.
3. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add apples and plums.
4. Add half a glass of sugar.
5. While stirring, bring to a boil.
6. After boiling for 5 minutes, cook over medium heat.
Let the compote brew for 15 minutes. The drink is ready.
Delicious facts
– You can add a little cherry plum to the compote – it will give the drink a pleasant smell and enhance plum flavor.
– Compote can be cooked from dried apples and prunes – such a drink is called “broth”.
– Ratio apples / plums are a matter of taste, as is determining the right amount of sugar. Some of the sugar can be replaced with honey, but you need to put honey when the compote has cooled to 40 degrees.
– When preparing compote for the winter, the fruit can be poured with boiling syrup once, and then the jar can be sterilized. To do this, put a jar of compote, covered with a lid, in a saucepan of a suitable diameter and add water to the pan so that it reaches the jar “up to the shoulders”. Bring the water to a boil, then sterilize the jar over low heat for 10 minutes. Pull out the jar, close it tightly or roll up the lid. To check that the jar is tightly closed, you can turn it over and leave it to cool: if it does not flow, then it is securely closed.
– In order to give the plum and apple compote an unusual flavor, you can add pears or peaches. Berries also go well in compote – cherries, grapes, strawberries.
– Apple varieties for compote can be taken sour, because compote contains quite a lot of sugar. But plums should be sweet so that the compote turns out to be juicy and not watery in taste. If sour plums are caught, you can soften the taste of the future compote by adding sweet apples.