How long to cook cherry plum compote

Boil cherry plum compote for 30 minutes after boiling the syrup.

How to cook cherry plum compote


for a can of 3 liters

Cherry plum – 1,5 kilograms

Water – 1,5 liters

Sugar – 400 grams

Preparing food for cooking

1. Sort out the cherry plum, select only ripe good fruits.

2. Rinse the cherry plum under running water, then put it in a colander and shake it several times to drain excess liquid.

3. Pierce each fruit with a needle or cut with a knife.


Cooking cherry plum compote in a saucepan

1. Put the dried cherry plum in a sterilized 3-liter jar.

2. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire.

3. As the syrup boils, stir the sugar in water until it is completely dissolved.

4. Slightly cool the syrup and pour the cherry plum in a jar up to the shoulders.

5. Cover a large saucepan with a towel, cover with water and heat to the temperature of the cooled syrup over low heat.

6. Put a jar of cherry plum compote in a saucepan with water, cook over low heat, avoiding boiling, for 30 minutes.

After cooking, roll up the cherry plum compote in jars and store.

Delicious facts

– When boiling compote, you can remove the bones – then the compote is guaranteed not to taste bitter (rarely, but still it happens in the case of boiling cherry plum compote with seeds).

– Serve the cherry plum compote cold, with the addition of ice, garnish with a sprig of mint.

– Cherry plum compote will be stored for up to a year if the compote is properly twisted.

– Cherry plum compote needs an infusion time – 2 months after spinning.

– To make the plum taste more pronounced, instead of part of the water when cooking compote syrup, you can add plum juice.

– When cooking cherry plum compote, you can add zucchini or small pieces of apples.

– The season for harvesting cherry plum compote is from mid-July to mid-August.

– Another name for cherry plum is tkemali plum. Indeed, cherry plum is a plum species.

– Cherry plum compote will be much tastier if you insist it in jars for 1-2 months.

– Cherry plum varieties for cooking compote: all mid-season, Mara, Gek, Tsarskaya, Lama, Globus.

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