How long to cook cabbage broth?

Cook cabbage broth for 15 minutes.

Cabbage broth


Cabbage – 150 grams

Water – 1 liter

How to cook cabbage broth

1. Wash the cabbage, separate the old sheets.

2. Chop the cabbage and place in a saucepan.

3. Pour 1 liter of water over the cabbage.

4. Boil the broth for 15 minutes.

5. Strain the broth – Your cabbage broth is cooked!


Delicious facts

– Cabbage broth is used for food, mainly when trying to lose weight. Cabbage broth is consumed 30 minutes after a meal or instead of it. Salt and spices are not added to the broth.

– Cabbage broth “deceives” the body, soothing the feeling of hunger. Plus, cabbage broth is nutritious.

– In large quantities, cabbage broth can be harmful to the body. Cabbage broth, if you go too far with it, will “cleanse” the body from nutrients as well.

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