How long ramen to cook?

How long ramen to cook?

Cook the ramen soup for 8 hours. At different stages, cook the soup for a total of 7,5 hours.

How to make ramen

Chasu broth products

Pork – 0,5 kilograms (brisket)

Soy sauce – 0,5 cups

Sake – 3 tablespoons

Garlic – 3 cloves

Ginger root – 30 grams

Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons

Sugar – 2 teaspoons

Green onions – 2 bases

Dasha broth products

Anchovies – 40 grams (dried)

Kelp algae – 1 piece measuring 10×10 centimeters

Water – 1 liter


Ramen soup products

Pork bones – 500 grams

Pork chasu – 400 grams

Egg – 4 pieces

Ramen noodles – 300 grams

Dasha broth – 1 glass

Chasu meat broth – 1 glass

Soy sauce – 4 tablespoons

Nori algae – 1 leaf

Ginger root – 30 grams

Sesame oil – 1 tablespoon

Green onion – 2 bases

Garlic – 5 cloves

Sesame seeds – 1 tablespoon

Salt – 1 teaspoon

How to make chasu broth

1. Wash the pork brisket, roll it up and pull off with a thread.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat and place the meatloaf. Fry until brownish (15 minutes).

3. Peel the ginger root, crush with the flat side of a knife.

4. Wash the bases of green onions.

5. Peel the garlic.

6. Transfer the meat from the pan to a deep saucepan, add crushed ginger, garlic, green onion base, soy sauce, sake and sugar. Pour water over everything.

7. Put on low heat and cook for 2 hours.

8. Let cool. Then put the meat on a sheet of foil, wrap and place in the refrigerator.

9. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, removing the ginger root, garlic and onion. Put in the refrigerator, you will need it for making Ramen noodles.

How to make dasha broth

1. For dried anchovies, remove the head and break the fillets in half along the ridge.

2. Remove the salt from the seaweed with a napkin.

3. Place anchovy fillets, seaweed in a saucepan, add water and put on fire.

4. Bring to a boil, remove the kelp from the boiling broth. Algae is no longer required.

5. Continue cooking the broth for another 7 minutes.

6. Remove from heat, cool and strain, removing the anchovies, getting a clean broth, and refrigerate.

How to make ramen noodles

1. Wash pork bones, place in a saucepan, add water and put on fire.

2. Peel the ginger root, but do not cut it.

3. Wash the onions, cut off the bases, they will be used in the broth.

4. Peel the garlic.

5. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then drain the water, rinse the bones with water.

6. Pour water over them again, add ginger root, onion base, garlic and simmer for 5 hours. You need to salt only in the last hour of cooking.

7. After the lapse of time, remove the broth from the heat, cool, strain through cheesecloth, removing the ginger, onion, garlic and bones.

8. Dry sesame seeds in a skillet without adding oil.

9. Chop the remaining onion feathers.

10. Cut the nori sheet into several pieces (6 squares).

11. Remove the pork tyassu from the foil, cut into slices, 5 millimeters thick.

12. Rinse eggs, add water in a separate saucepan and cook for 10 minutes.

13. Cool boiled eggs with cold water and peel.

14. Pour soy sauce into a separate saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil.

15. Without reducing heat, place whole eggs in the sauce and turn them in the sauce until they are colored (cook for 1 minute).

16. Cool eggs and cut in half.

17. Pour pork bone broth, dasha broth and tyasu broth into a separate saucepan, 1 glass each.

18. Bring to a boil, add sesame oil and add Ramen noodles. Cook for 2 minutes.

19. Pour the broth with noodles into the soup bowl, put half an egg, nori leaf, chasu meat in it, sprinkle with sesame seeds and green onions. Serve to the table.

Delicious facts

– To save time on making ramen soup, use ready-made pork broth.

– Ramen noodles – a dish of oriental cuisine, invented in China and borrowed by Japan. Popular among young people, as it has good taste, high energy value and is inexpensive both in the form of products and in fast food stalls.

– Ramen is served in bowls. They eat noodles with chopsticks, and drink broth with porcelain or earthenware spoons. Pickled ginger is served as an appetizer for ramen noodles.

– The traditional ingredients of ramen are noodles and broth. In order to diversify the taste of the dish, add chasyu meat, eggs, nori seaweed and various pickles.

– Ramen noodles should be served as soon as they are cooked. The noodles are thin and if you leave them in the broth for more than 2 minutes, they will become sour, lose their taste and aesthetic qualities.

– In the animated film Naruto, the main character regularly eats ramen noodles, which contributed to the additional popularity of the dish. Historical fact: the author of the idea for “Naruto” Masashi Kishimoto for several years unsuccessfully offered various ideas to the publishing magazine, and only the idea with a story about his favorite noodles, after some refinement, “shot”, embodied in a stellar anime.

– Real ramen is one of the longest-cooking dishes. Want to surprise your guests? – Most likely, no one has tried homemade ramen yet, and certainly not cooked.

– The pork in the ramen recipe can be substituted for chicken.

Reading time – 5 minutes.


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