How long pea soup to cook?

How long pea soup to cook?

Pea soup is boiled for 2,5 hours. First, you need to soak the peas for 5-6 hours so that they cook faster.

How to make pea soup


Smoked pork ribs – 400 grams

Peas – 250 grams (1 glass of crushed)

Onions – 2 heads

Carrots – 1 piece

Potatoes – 3 tubers

Parsley root – 1 piece

Parsley – a bunch

Bay leaf – 4 pieces

Vegetable oil – 1/5 cup

Salt – to taste

Pepper – 3-4 peas

Preparation of products

1. Wash the peas and add water, cover and steam with boiling water, after cooling, put them in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours (you can overnight).

2. After soaking the peas, chop the pork ribs in half and rinse in cold running water.

3. Peel 2 onions, cut one in half, chop the other.

4. Wash and peel the parsley root, carrots, potatoes.

5. Cut the parsley root into strips a few millimeters thick, the potatoes into cubes about 2 centimeters thick, grate the carrots.

6. Wash and chop the parsley.


How to cook pea soup in a saucepan

1. Put the soaked peas in a saucepan of 5 liters, add fresh water and place on a quiet fire, cook for 40 minutes.

2. Put the pork ribs in cool water and let it boil.

3. Drain the water, rinse the meat, add fresh water and put it back on the burner.

4. Put black peppercorns in a saucepan, half a peeled onion, keep on medium heat for 1 hour after boiling.

5. Chopped remaining onion, parsley root, carrots, fry over medium heat in a frying pan, preheating the oil for 5-8 minutes.

6. Remove half of the onion from the broth; it is no longer edible.

7. Add chopped potatoes, cook for 10 minutes.

8. Add fried vegetables, bay leaves, salt, cook for another 10-15 minutes. 9. Put the chopped parsley into the soup and let it brew over low heat for 10 minutes.

How to cook pea soup in a slow cooker

1. Pour oil into the bottom of the multicooker, turn on the “Frying” mode.

2. Fry pork ribs for 10 minutes. 3. Put chopped onions, carrots, parsley root in a slow cooker and fry for another 5 minutes. 4. Turn off the “Frying” mode, put peas and chopped potatoes in the multicooker, pour water over the edge so that there is a distance of three fingers.

5. Cover with a lid, turn on the “Quenching” mode for 1,5 hours.

9. Add chopped parsley, salt and keep on the “Warm up” mode for another 10 minutes.

Delicious facts

– Pea soup has been prepared since antiquity. A mention of him can be found in the comedy “Birds” by the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes, staged in 414 BC.

– To achieve the taste of the pea soup that cooks fed in kindergartens, you need to use unrefined sunflower oil.

– To make the peas boil faster, it is better to buy chopped grains. You can add a pinch of baking soda, butter, or sunflower to the soup. Salt slows down the cooking of peas, so it is better to salt it at the end of cooking.

– The calorie content of pea soup is 109 kcal / 100 grams. You can reduce calories by using chicken broth without using the skin.

– You can add curry, cumin, ginger, lemon juice to the pea soup to taste.

– Pea soup owes its taste to smoked meats, therefore, to preserve the taste of the dish, it is recommended to use them, and not fresh meat.

How many peas to put in soup

– A 5-liter saucepan is enough for a glass of peas – keep in mind that peas practically do not increase during cooking.

Reading time – 3 minutes.


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