How long does Omikron stay on items? There is no good news
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Japanese scientists decided to check which of all variants of the coronavirus lasts the longest on objects. It turns out that it is Omikron. According to experts, this may be one of the reasons why it is easier to get infected with this variant of the coronavirus.

  1. Research from Japan has shown that Omikron lasts the longest on the surfaces of various objects compared to other variants of the coronavirus
  2. These are the first observations of this type to take into account all varieties of SARS-CoV-2
  3. In addition, researchers’ analysis shows that all variants of the coronavirus are equally susceptible to alcohol-based disinfectants
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The World Health Organization has emphasized practically from the beginning of the pandemic that the coronavirus can be infected by transferring it from a contaminated surface or object to the eyes, nose or mouth. That is why it is so important to regularly wash your hands and disinfect them. Recent research from Japan has shown that it is Omikron it stays the longest on the surfaces of various objects compared to other variants coronavirus. It is worth noting, however, that contact with an infected person is the most common way of transmitting COVID-19.

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How long does Omikron stay on items? Scientists checked it out

It is worth noting at the outset that the authors of the study from Japan emphasize that their observations are preliminary and definitely require further, more in-depth expert work and analyzes. Additionally, they have not yet been reviewed. Moreover, they were conducted under strictly controlled laboratory conditions. This means that the results of these tests may be overestimated the virus may survive a little shorter under real conditions.

The research was carried out in Japan and the results are now available online. The purpose of these scientific observations was to determine how long the SARS-CoV-2 virus could survive on skin and plastic. This is the first study of this type to take into account all variants of the coronavirus to date, including the latest Omikron.

Japanese scientists have observed that the new SARS-CoV-2 variants survive on skin and plastic more than twice as long as the original Wuhan strain. Omikron achieved the longest result. As it turns out, it is the most resistant. This variant of the coronavirus survived on plastic for 193,5 hours, and on the skin 21,1 hours. According to experts, this may be one of the reasons why it is easier to get infected with Omicron.

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Scientists also have good news. Their analysis shows that all variants of the coronavirus are equally susceptible to alcohol-based disinfectants. Therefore, in the light of these findings, it is even more important to remember about disinfection and frequent washing of hands. Especially since it is a method that can also protect against other diseases.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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