How long does it take for hair to grow back and how to accelerate its growth? Video

How long does it take for hair to grow back and how to accelerate its growth? Video

The beauty of a woman is made up of many factors. Long hair is one of them. Their growing, as a rule, takes years, because in a month the hair grows in length by only a few millimeters.

Hair grows on the head throughout a person’s life. Their growth is cyclical. During their life, they go through three phases: growth, rest and loss. The first phase lasts from two to five years, the second a little over two weeks, and the third about three months. In the phase of dying off, the hair stops its development, while its follicle contracts and moves closer to the surface of the skin. The withering phase is characterized by hair loss, after which a new one begins to grow in its place. Likewise, the hair growth cycle repeats over and over again.

How fast does hair grow back?

Human hair grows all his life, but the rate of their growth for each is of a purely individual nature. On average, they grow 1-1,5 centimeters per month.

What does hair growth depend on?

This process is influenced by many factors:

  • climate

  • nutrition

  • age

  • Наследственность

  • Times of Day

  • season of the year

In hot climates, as well as in summer, spring and during the day, hair grows faster. At this time, their growth accelerates by 15–20%. This is because in warm weather, blood circulation in the scalp increases. Due to this, the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles is improved. In the cold season, blood circulates more strongly in the internal organs, and near the dermis, its movement slows down. For this reason, hair cells do not divide as actively in winter.

Hair growth rate is directly dependent on age. For children, the increase per month will be on average 1,3 centimeters, for an adult – 1,5 centimeters, and for older people – about 1 centimeter.

Heredity plays an important role in the rate of hair growth.

Hair growth is also influenced by the use of various chemicals, in particular, dyes. According to the observations of trichologists, growth slows down by half a centimeter per month after a perm and dyeing.

It is difficult to argue with nature, but it is possible. Every woman can accelerate hair growth if you make it a rule to do daily head massage and masks twice a week, give up dyeing, curling irons and hair dryers, and also revise your diet.

Using homemade masks can be a good way to stimulate hair growth. For this purpose, masks with mustard, Dimexide or pepper tincture are suitable. If you do them with enviable regularity, your hair can grow by 25-30 centimeters in a year, which is a lot.

Protein is essential for hair growth, so eggs, meat, fish, and bran bread should prevail in your menu. In addition, vitamins will not be superfluous, especially in the autumn-winter period.

If you want to have long hair – then do not be lazy to comb it carefully. This will increase blood circulation and, as a result, nourishment of the hair follicles.

Cosmetologist-trichologist, founder of the multidisciplinary medical center Sekirina Clinic

– On average, hair grows 0,05 mm per day, which means that it will be possible to grow 1-1,5 cm in a month.Total 18 cm per year! But this is provided that you do not trim the ends. Grow a centimeter and cut off two split ends. Sound familiar? You don’t need to be a mathematician to figure out that you can’t grow long hair like that. To do this, you need to approach the process in an integrated manner.

All folk methods of hair follicle stimulation based on recipes containing aggressive pepper tincture or mustard powder. These mixtures will activate the “dormant” bulbs, but in the meantime will dry out the scalp and cause discomfort. It will be possible to grow the desired length, but the quality of the hair will suffer greatly. There is a risk that not only the tips will have to be cut. Therefore, when choosing this method, one should not forget about moisturizing and nutrition, actively use masks, indelible creams, and minimize the use of an iron and a hair dryer.

Scalp massage improves microcirculation and nutrition of hair follicles. There is one more bonus benefit from it: this massage relaxes and relieves tension. Indeed, it is often stress and nervous tension that become the cause of hair loss.

A time-tested method can still help to grow hair at home. darsonvalization – a method of physiotherapy based on exposure to alternating pulsed high-frequency current. The procedure does not require special skills; if you have a device, you can easily do it yourself.

Heavier artillery – mesotherapy… These are cocktail injections of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that promote active hair growth. Hair follicles are nourished and stimulated, the positive effect is felt after the first procedure. The course is 8 – 10 procedures once a week.

In case of excessive hair loss, self-medication should be discontinued. Ozone therapy, cryomassage, microcurrents, plasma therapy, phototherapy and a huge variety of procedures that clinics will offer you. Hair loss is caused by many factors, therefore, specialists should prescribe procedures based on the results of diagnostics, biochemical analysis, phototrichogram, and only then select a treatment.

The main thing is to monitor your health, nutrition, and adequate water intake. The appearance of our hair, nails, skin, teeth directly depends on this.

At every opportunity, you should massage the scalp. To do this, run your fingers over the head, as if moving the skin. You should start from the temples and forehead, gradually moving along the entire head. Just ten minutes of this massage every day can make you a happy owner of long hair in no time.

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