How long do you need to take vitamin D for it to work?

Inconspicuous vitamin D plays a huge role in our body. It is responsible, among others, for the health of bones and heart, strengthens our immunity and has an impact on our psyche. When it is depleted, the whole body feels it. That is why it is so important to take the right amount of vitamin D. How to dose it to bring the best results? We advise!

How to fight vitamin D deficiency?

According to a 2020 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, more than half of Europeans are deficient in vitamin D. Worse still, most of them are unaware of it. This is because symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can easily be confused with other ailments.

For this reason, we should regularly monitor the level of this vitamin in our body. This can be done with blood tests. Once we find out what the vitamin D levels in our body look like, we’ll be able to take action.

  1. You can buy vitamin D in mail order HERE

Doctors recommend a healthy diet rich in products in which this vitamin is present in large amounts. We mean, for example, eggs and fatty fish such as salmon and trout. Others, in turn, recommend spending a lot of time in the sun, thanks to which our body produces more of this precious vitamin.

There are also people who focus primarily on dietary supplements. Here, however, we should be careful and follow a few important tips.

  1. This may interest you: Natural sources of vitamin D. You will find the most vitamin in these products

Vitamin D – how long should you take?

There are two types of this vitamin on the market: vegetable D2 and animal D3. The first one is used primarily by vegans and vegetarians. However, experts suggest that it is better to consume vitamin D3 after all. Research published in “Nutrients” proves that it works faster and better.

In fact, the effectiveness of vitamin D depends mainly on the state of our body and how it deals with the absorption of this vitamin. The National Institutes of Health also says that the greater the shortage in the beginning, the longer it will take to improve this level.

  1. To replenish vitamin D deficiencies and more, reach for Aqua Kick ADEK OstroVit powdered vitamins.

Dr.Emily Clairmont, a dietitian at the University of Vermont Medical Center said that the time when we should notice the first effects of vitamin D supplementation is three months.

«Some people see an increase after six weeks. Others have to take supplements for four months before they feel better»Adds nutritionist Paula Doebrich.

How will we recognize that vitamin D supplementation is bringing the intended results? “If you’ve had physical symptoms of a deficiency, such as fatigue or bone pain, you’ll likely start to feel better as your serum levels rise,” says Doebrich.

To supplement vitamin D deficiencies, try Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU YANGO – a dietary supplement for seniors available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Dr. Nicole Avena, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, also highlights another important point. It turns out that the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation will also be known from what our sleep looks like. If we stop having problems falling asleep and rest peacefully, it means that the level of this vitamin in our body begins to rise. “Perhaps because so many vitamin D receptors are found in the brain, which is the control center of sleep,” explains Avena.

There are also people who will not notice any difference in their well-being. This is because the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be really subtle. Some may not even know they had a problem with it. Experts emphasize that it all depends on the person, their health and the level of vitamin D before supplementation. That is why it is so important to do blood tests to know where we are starting.

Regularity is also important. If we are already starting to supplement vitamin D, we should do it every day, preferably in the morning. Thanks to this, in the evening we will not have problems falling asleep.

  1. See also: What time to ingest vitamin D? Check if you are doing it right

In what doses should this vitamin be taken? According to GiS, it should look like this:

  1. 2000 IU (50 µg) for dietary supplements intended for a healthy population of adults up to 75 years of age,
  2. 4000 IU (1000 µg) for dietary supplements intended only for healthy people over 75 years of age. 
Buy Vitamin D at Medonet Market

The offer includes various dietary supplements with vitamin D, including:

  1. XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico – 120 capsules for less than PLN 20
  2. Vitamin D3 2500 IU Solgar liquid
  3. Vitamin D3 2000IU vegan Viridian

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