How long will we be under the influence of this or that feeling? And what determines the time that we spend in his power?
So why do we spend different amounts of time on each experience? It all depends on how important the event that caused it is to us.
So, sadness and hatred indicate that something valuable has been taken from us (or they are trying to take it away), and we experience these feelings for a long time.
“That’s the way it should be: otherwise it would mean that the loss is not so important to us,” explains psychologist Philip Verduin, one of the authors of the study. “Fear, shame, sympathy, on the contrary, are associated with episodic events, so they pass quickly.”
We have compiled a simple cheat sheet for you that will help you survive difficult emotions for you. After all, they are all equally good because sooner or later they leave us. And knowing how long they last, we can find the strength to wait for the “point”.
On the other hand, knowing how long positive emotions last, we can try to extend their “life” artificially. Or fully enjoy them, remembering that life is fleeting.
Negative emotions:
Sadness – 120 hours
Hatred – 60 hours
Wines – 3,5 hours
Boredom – 2 hours
Fear – 30 minutes
Shame – 30 minutes
Positive emotions:
Joy – 35 hours
Satisfaction – 24 hours
Enthusiasm – 6 hours
Rapture – 5 hours
Empathy – 1 hour 20 minutes