Cook carp for 25 minutes in salted water.
How to cook carp
Carp – polkilo
Parsley – a small bunch
Carrots – 1 piece
Onions – 1 small head
Salt, black pepper – to taste
Vinegar 9% – 5 tablespoons
Butter – small cube
How to cook tasty carp
1. Gut carp, clean, rinse well inside and out.
2. Pour the vinegar over the fish over the pan, put the fish in the pan and cover it with water so that the water slightly covers the carp.
3. Peel the carrots and onions, rinse the greens and cut off the roots.
3. Add herbs, onions, carrots, bay leaves, salt and pepper, cook for 25 minutes.
How to cook carp fish soup
Carp – 500 grams
Potatoes – 4 pieces
Onions – 1 head
Dill – small bunch
Salted or fresh tomatoes – 3 pieces
Bay leaf – 2 leaves
How to cook carp fish soup
1. Pour water into a five-liter saucepan, put dill, put on fire.
2. When the water boils, take out the dill.
3. Clean the carp, gut and rinse, remove the head and tail.
4. Put the head and tail of the carp in a saucepan with dill water, cook the broth for the fish soup for 40 minutes.
5. Peel and finely chop the onion, put in the soup.
6. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, put in the soup.
7. Peel the carp of bones, cut into pieces, wash and put in the soup.
8. Peel the tomatoes, remove the stalks, cut into cubes and put in the soup.
9. Cook carp fish soup for 20 minutes. Add bay leaves, salt and pepper 2 minutes before the end of cooking.
Delicious facts
– Carp – it schooling fish. Lives in fresh water at a depth of 1,5-2 meters. Usually, flocks of carp live in deep depressions with a slow current near steep banks, among fallows of snags, thickets of reeds and reeds, next to rock falls into the water of steep banks with trees.
– Catch carp can be used on a worm, crayfish neck, barley shell or fishing boilies. You can use cake mixed with sour corn as a nozzle. Fried hemp seeds, cereals, legumes are added to the nozzle. The carp takes profit only from the bottom of the river. Carp is caught in the morning before sunrise and in the evening before sunset. Sometimes carp jump out of the water at dawn.
– Season catching carp – from May to September. When the water temperature is below 7-10 degrees, the fish stops feeding and does not bite for profit.
– Carp dwells in the basins of the Amur River, Azov, Caspian, Black, Aral Seas, Balkhash and Kapchagai lakes. Artificially introduced into the water bodies of Central and Western Siberia, Kamchatka, Central Asia.
– Middle размер carp – 50-70 centimeters, weight – 4-6 kilograms.
– Carp – the cultivated form of the carp, obtained by selection.
– Carp different from carp in color and size. The carp has a long body, which is covered with large dark yellow scales, on the back – a bluish tint. Carp scales are lighter, sometimes yellow-green. Some breeds are scaleless. The maximum weight of a carp does not exceed 10-12 kilograms, and a carp can reach 20-25 kilograms.
– Various breeds of carp took out by crossing the Amur carp with local herds of state fish reserves. New breeds were instilled with fast growth, high fertility, depending on the region, cold hardiness or thermophilicity.