How long can you have cancer and not know it? Signs you have a delay bomb in your body

Cancer diseases can be very tricky. Some of them take years to develop with virtually no symptoms. This is why they often make us anxious. Many people wonder if their bodies are developing a silent delayed bomb. What tumors develop asymptomatically and what tests should be performed to gain valuable time and a good prognosis in the event of the disease?

  1. There are many types of cancer that do not show any signs or symptoms early in their development. They are called asymptomatic neoplasms
  2. Cancer can develop silently for up to 10 years
  3. Many early forms of cancer can be detected through regular preventive, screening and follow-up examinations
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When in our lives we meet with cancer in someone we know, it is very often a stimulus to check our own health. There are many questions and fear that an insidious disease is developing in our body. Unfortunately, many types of cancer do not give any symptoms or signs of disease for a long time. The key to protection is prevention and regular checkups and examinations that can detect changes even in the early stages of cancer development.

Are you at risk of cancer?

It is worth doing preventive examinations every year. At Medonet Market you can buy:

  1. Women’s oncology e-packet – risk assessment
  2. E-oncology package for men – diagnostic tests for men

Some cancers are not diagnosed until symptoms appear. Often the discovery of a disease is related to its spread or tumor growth, which becomes palpable and visible in imaging tests, e.g. ultrasound. However, many types of cancer can be diagnosed early, before the disease starts to show any symptoms. The sooner the neoplasm is located, the better the prognosis and the chance of recovery.

Tumors that develop in secret

Some cancers are much easier to spot than others. It sometimes happens that cancer develops insidiously and quietly for a very long time, giving practically no strong symptoms. That is why regular preventive examinations are crucial. Sometimes a cancer can develop asymptomatically for up to 10 years.

1. Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer may not show any specific symptoms or signs for a long time. An extremely important method of early detection of nodules in the scrotum is self-examination of the testicles. However, it does not guarantee that all changes will be detected.

2. Cervical cancer

Often, symptoms do not appear at all until the disease becomes advanced. An effective method of detecting precancerous cells is regular cervical cytology.

3. Pancreatic cancer

It is an extremely insidious neoplasm, which is most often detected in the late stages of development and with very poor prognosis. Pancreatic cancer symptoms can be subtle and unnoticeable.

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4. Breast cancer

As with testicular cancer, self-checks are often the quickest method of detecting a newly formed lesion, allowing many women to find breast cancer at an early stage. You should remember about monthly breast self-examination and regular breast ultrasound and mammography. Imaging tests can detect even small tumors.

5. Prostate cancer

Initially, there are no symptoms of prostate cancer. An antigen test (PSA) can be performed.

  1. Home prostate test for the detection of PSA in the blood you can buy for PLN 29,99

6. Ovarian cancer

Symptoms may not be obvious at first, but when they do appear they are sudden and persistent, and the disease is usually advanced. Annual Pap smear does not detect ovarian cancer. To detect the possibility of developing the disease, a complete test of tumor markers should be performed.

7. Lung cancer

Lung cancer symptoms include frequent or persistent coughing and hoarseness. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a physical examination, imaging tests and microscopic analysis of sputum.

8. Skin neoplasms

Although you may not feel any symptoms at the beginning of the disease, changes in the appearance of the skin, even with small moles or spots, can be early signs of skin cancer. Melanoma can also appear as a characteristic dark strip under the fingernail. Regular check-ups with a dermatologist are extremely important.

9. Colon cancer

Colorectal cancer is a very slow growing cancer and does not cause any symptoms for a very long time. Colonoscopy remains the best screening test for detecting disease at an early stage. Although many people are afraid of this study, it should not be avoided.

10. Kidney cancer

In the early stages of its development, kidney cancer usually causes no symptoms. Tests to help find the cancer include a complete blood count and a physical examination.

  1. You will find the “Healthy kidneys” blood and urine test package in the Medonet Market offer

Early and late symptoms of silent tumors

Tumors that produce symptoms that are clearly visible early on are called symptomatic tumors. These types of cancer require prompt diagnosis in order to be treated effectively. A quick diagnosis is often the ticket to a successful cure. However, there are neoplasms that may not show any symptoms or signs of their presence for years, or they are mild enough to be easily overlooked. Many cancers in the early stages are asymptomatic, which is why regular screening is so important.

How are dangerous forms of cancer manifested in different stages of development?

Bladder cancer

  1. Early symptoms: blood in urine.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: lower back pain, difficulty urinating.

Breast cancer

  1. Early symptoms: You can feel a lump in your breast.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: pain, swelling of the breasts and / or arm, enlarged lymph nodes.

Colon and rectal cancer

  1. Early symptoms: defecation disorders (diarrhea, constipation), blood in the stool.
  2. Symptoms of an advanced disease: weight loss, weakness and fatigue, nausea

Rak endometrium

  1. Early symptoms: abnormal or disturbed menstrual bleeding.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: abdominal pain, flatulence, changes and disturbances in bowel movement.

Kidney cancer

  1. Early symptoms: lower back pain (usually on one side), blood in the urine.
  2. Symptoms of advanced disease: unexplained weight loss, persistent fever.

Liver cancer

  1. Early symptoms: pain in the right side of the abdomen, yellowing of the skin.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: abdominal pain, vomiting, weakness


  1. Early symptoms: bruising, weakness, flu-like symptoms.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: bone and joint pain, weakness and fatigue, swollen lymph nodes.

Lung cancer

  1. Early symptoms: persistent or worsening cough, coughing up blood.
  2. Advanced disease symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, fluid in the lungs.


  1. Early symptoms: Mole or birthmark that has changed in size, shape or color and has become irregular, a strip under the fingernail.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: palpable lump under the skin, swollen lymph nodes.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

  1. Early symptoms: sore and swollen lymph nodes, fatigue.
  2. Symptoms of advanced disease: unexplained weight loss, fever, night sweats, stomach pain.

Pancreatic cancer

  1. Early symptoms: back pain, weakness and fatigue, jaundice.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: swelling and soreness, digestive problems, weight loss.

Thyroid cancer

  1. Early symptoms: neck lump, voice changes.
  2. Symptoms of the disease in an advanced stage: breathing problems; sore throat and neck; difficulty swallowing.

Prostate cancer

  1. Early symptoms: difficulty urinating, blood in the urine.
  2. Symptoms of advanced disease: bladder problems, sore groin, bowel problems including loss of control. 

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