How long can you come into contact with a patient with coronavirus

The current situation that has developed in the world and is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, as if copied from a scary horror movie, frightens us with its uncertain consequences that cannot be fully foreseen and predicted. Day after day, repeatedly repeated information makes us think and act differently, but we want to believe that our actions are reasonable.

Around the world, the number of infected, sick and recovered from the COVID-19 virus infection is growing, the infection itself is tolerated differently. Some learn about the asymptomatic coronavirus infection after a certain time, passing tests only for control, other people, most of them, with minor manifestations of a respiratory viral disease, that is, with a mild course. There are also severe cases of the course of the disease COVID-19, unfortunately, up to death.

There is a lot of talk about protective measures to prevent infection with the coronavirus. The main one is isolation, lack of contact with the alleged sick, infected or carrier of the infection.

But due to circumstances, being in society, any person, to one degree or another, is forced to contact other people, and more often with relatives and friends. Often the question arises: what to do if you yourself fell ill or you need to communicate with a sick relative?

According to various sources, patients with coronavirus infection are considered the most contagious 2-3 days before the onset of clinical signs of the disease and within 10 days from the onset of the disease, but these are average periods that may vary depending on the severity of the disease, increase with a more severe course, initially weakened immune system in the patient.

Therefore, after all, doctors advise contact persons to wear masks during the entire incubation period, that is, up to 2 weeks, sometimes up to 3 weeks from the moment of contact with the patient.

As for the contagiousness of a sick person, the data also differ, but it is generally believed that after 10 days from the appearance of the first signs of the disease in mild and moderate disease, infection from it is unlikely, and this period can increase up to 20 days in severe disease.

It should be noted that tests that determine the presence of the COVID-19 virus in people who have recently had a coronavirus infection can be positive for up to 2 months, although this is not necessarily a confirmation of the person’s contagiousness. According to some reports, test systems that determine the presence of a pathogen can react to the remnants of the RNA of the virus itself, which may still remain in the body of those who have been ill.

The vaccine prevention of coronavirus infection deployed throughout the world has high hopes for an early end to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sources of
  1. – Q&A: How is COVID-19 transmitted?
  2. – How long to self-isolate.
  3. – When You Can be Around Others After You Had or Likely Had COVID-19.
  4. – Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Quarantine or Isolate at Home.
  5. – The infectious disease specialist told how many days a person is contagious with coronavirus.
  6. – The immunologist told how long a patient with COVID-19 is contagious.
  7. – Rospotrebnadzor called the period of maximum contagiousness of a patient with COVID.
  8. – The epidemiologist called the period of the greatest contagiousness of a patient with coronavirus.

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