How long are the test results valid? See if you can still show them to the doctor

The question of how long the blood test results last is one of the most frequently asked by patients. For this reason, we decided to check when it is worth doing individual tests, not only morphology, but also a general urine test or liver tests. Can laboratory results become out-of-date?

  1. The tests should be performed immediately before the appointment with the doctor
  2. Research results may change with our lifestyle, medications or diseases
  3. Check how long the tests are valid and when they need to be repeated
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Why do blood tests expire?

Blood tests are one of the basic elements of preventive health care. They reflect the patient’s condition, so they should be done a few days or a day before visiting a specialist.

Due to the lifestyle we lead, blood results can change a lot, becoming out-of-date quickly. Doctors themselves emphasize to have up-to-date test results with you. Thanks to this, it is easier to introduce an appropriate method of treatment in accordance with the selected parameters.

The editorial board recommends: Blood tests – why is it worth having them regularly?

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How long are my blood test results valid?

The validity date of blood test results depends primarily on what parameters were taken into account. The individual tests and their validity periods are presented below:

Name of the studyResult validity period
Blood count (complete) 2 months
Blood smear (manual) 1 month
Creatinine  2 months
Urinalysis 1 week
TSH 3 months
fT3 3 months
fT4 3 months
anti-TPO indefinitely
anti-TSHR indefinitely
anty-TG, TRAb indefinitely
Glucose 3 months
OGTT 3 months
Uric acid 3 months
AST 1 month
OTHER 1 month
GGTP 1 month
ALP 1 month
Total bilirubin 1 month
Lipidogram (TC, HDL, LDL, nie-HDL, TG) 3 months
PT (INR) 1 month
APTTMore  1 month
Sodium 1 month
Potassium 1 month
Magnesium 1 month
Total calcium 1 month
Urea 1 month
Fibrynogen 1 month
Amylase 1 month
Lipase 1 month
ESR (Passive Reaction) 1 week
CRP, quantitatively 1 week
Iron 2 months
Ferrytyna 1 month

How long are my blood counts valid?

Complete blood count results are valid for two months. They determine the level of red and white blood cells, as well as platelets and hemoglobin responsible for transporting oxygen to cells. Their increase or decrease is influenced not only by the diet, but also by diseases, so the doctor should be consulted with the most up-to-date results of the complete morphology.

How long are my blood smear results valid?

Blood smear results are valid for one month. The test consists in a thorough analysis of the number and structure of erythrocytes and leukocytes. They are performed in the case of abnormalities that appeared in the results of the complete morphology, therefore it should not be older than one month.

Also check: WBC – the role of leukocytes, norms, elevated and low levels of WBC. What is the importance of the number of leukocytes in the blood?

How long are my creatinine test results valid?

Creatinine results are valid for two months. The test is most often performed on the basis of a venous blood sample. It is also possible to determine the level of creatinine in the urine. The examination is performed in patients with suspected kidney damage, before surgery and (in some cases) before computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

How long are the results of the urinalysis valid?

The results of a urinalysis test are only valid for a week, because various factors may be involved in laboratory diagnosis, including changes in the diet or a developing urinary tract infection. The general examination of urine consists of its physical assessment (color, pH, transparency, specific gravity) and chemical assessment (presence of protein, bilirubin, glucose or hemoglobin).

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How long are TSH test results valid?

TSH results are valid for three months. They are used to assess the work of the thyroid gland. When treating disorders (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism) it is very important to perform regular tests, especially in the case of pharmacological treatment. Thanks to this, the endocrinologist can monitor TSH on an ongoing basis, reduce or increase the dose of medications taken.

How long are the fT3, fT4 and anti-TPO test results valid?

FT3 results are valid for three months as well as fT4 results. Thanks to these tests, combined with the laboratory diagnostics of TSH, it is possible to assess the work of the thyroid gland, including the detection of Hashimoto’s disease or Graves’ disease. TSH levels can affect the fT3 and fT4 hormones, so take them regularly.

This is not the case with anti-TPO results which are valid indefinitely. The concentration of the level of antibodies against the antigens of the thyroid gland is always performed to compare the results with other tests. They are performed not only in the case of disturbed TSH levels, but also in patients with type I diabetes.

How long are anti-TSHR test results valid?

The results of anti-TSHR tests are valid indefinitely. They are used to diagnose Graves’ disease, which is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism. Tests can also be performed when hypothyroidism is suspected in patients who have no anti-TPO and anti-Tg antibodies detected.

How long are anti-TG and TRAb test results valid?

Both anti-TG and TRAb results are valid indefinitely. Anti-Tg is prescribed to patients with hypothyroidism or suspected thyroid cancer. TRAb are antibodies against TSH stimulating hormone receptors. Although the results are valid for life, it may be possible to have them performed again in patients with suspected thyroid cancer recurrence.

Find out more: Thyroid nodules – causes, symptoms, treatment methods. Thyroid nodules and cancer

How long are my glucose test results valid?

Glucose test results are valid for three months. It is influenced by the patient’s diet and physical activity. Elevated glucose levels are most often the first sign of diabetes or carbohydrate intolerance.

How long are the oral glucose load test (OGTT) results valid?

Oral glucose loading test (OGTT) results are valid for three months. This test is important in the diagnosis of diabetes. They are influenced by diet and physical activity or the lack of it, so when going to a diabetologist or dietitian, it is worth checking that the results are not older than 12 weeks.

How long are the uric acid test results valid?

The uric acid test results are valid for three months. It allows you to determine its concentration in the serum. Uric acid is the end product of the breakdown of purine bases. Its elevated level may indicate gout. Due to the fact that it forms crystals in tissues and organs, the test should not be older than 12 weeks.

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How long are liver test results (AST, ALT, GGTP, ALP, total bilirubin) valid?

Blood chemistry tests, also called liver function tests, are valid for one month. One test measures four enzymes:

  1. alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
  2. aspartate aminotransferase (AST),
  3. alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
  4. gamma-glutamylotranspeptydazę (GGTP).

During liver tests, the level of total bilirubin is also determined, which is a bile pigment formed as a result of the breakdown of erythrocytes. Thanks to the tests, it is possible to evaluate the functioning of the liver, which means that it cannot be older than a month. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly diagnose fatty liver, hepatitis B or C, as well as diseases of the digestive system, including pancreatitis.

How long are the results of the lipid profile valid?

The results of the lipid profile are valid for three months. The test allows you to assess the level of total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides. The results of the lipidogram may be influenced by diet as well as physical activity. This means that when going to an appointment, it is worth having the results of the lipid profile with you not older than 12 weeks.

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How long are PT (NR) results valid?

PT (NR) results are valid for one month. The test detects abnormalities in the extrinsic pathway of blood clotting. It is usually ordered for liver problems. For this reason, doctors recommend that the results should not exceed four weeks.

How long are APTT results valid?

APTT (Kaolin Kephalin Time) results are valid for one month. They are used in blood coagulation disorders. The test should be performed before surgery, which means that they must not be older than four weeks. The determination of the time for which blood clots is regularly performed in patients with haemophilia and in those taking unfractionated heparin.

How long are the electrolyte results (sodium, potassium, magnesium, total calcium) valid?

Electrolyte results are valid for a month. The tests include the determination of the levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, total calcium and chloride ions. Laboratory diagnostics on the basis of taking a blood sample allows to assess the functioning of the body’s water and electrolyte balance.

The main indications for the examination are muscle cramps, cardiac disorders or abnormal blood pressure. This affects the fact that diagnostics should not be performed more than four weeks before visiting a doctor.

How long are urea results valid?

Blood urea results are valid for one month. Most often, the test is used in the diagnosis of metabolic diseases, as well as the functioning of the kidneys.

The concentration of urea depends on the dietary habits as it is the end product of the breakdown of proteins, which are mainly produced in the liver. This means that the examination should not be performed more than a month before visiting a specialist.

How long are fibrinogen results valid?

Fibrinogen results are valid for one month. It is a blood plasma protein that is involved in blood clotting. Most often, the level of fibrinogen is determined in cardiovascular diseases, as well as the assessment of the functioning of the liver. They can be performed with frequent haemorrhages, blood in the urine or stool, or long-healing wounds.

Both lowered and too high fibrinogen values ​​may indicate health problems, therefore the test results should not be older than one month.

How long are amylase results valid?

Amylase results are valid for a month. The concentration of this enzyme is checked in the case of pancreatitis, which may manifest itself as severe upper abdominal pain, vomiting, gas and stool retention, or high fever. In this situation, it is best to test amylase a few days before visiting a doctor.

Also read: Acute and chronic pancreatitis – symptoms, treatment

How long are lipase results valid?

Lipase results are valid for a month. Most often, the determination of the enzyme concentration is done together with the amylase, creating a pancreatic profile together. The test is performed in the case of problems with the functioning of the pancreas, including cancer of this organ, which means that the results should not be older than a month.

How long are ESR (Passive Reaction) results valid?

ESR (Passive Reaction) results are valid for one week. This is one of the most frequently performed tests and is an indicator of erythrocyte sedimentation in non-clotting blood within an hour. Thanks to this, it is possible to assess whether there is inflammation in the body. For this reason, the test is best done 1-2 days before visiting a doctor.

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How long are CRP results valid quantitatively?

CRP (C-reactive protein) results quantitatively are valid for a week. Acute phase protein testing is particularly useful in inflammation, tissue damage, bacterial infections, rheumatism, cancer or heart attack. CRP is a very sensitive indicator that, depending on the cause, can increase up to 100 times, so it is important that the result is up-to-date.

How long are iron results valid?

Iron results are valid for two months. Due to the fact that both the excess and deficiency of this element are dangerous to health, when going to the doctor, you should have up-to-date laboratory tests. The main indications for an iron diagnosis are pale skin, frequent seizures, hair loss or faster heartbeat.

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How long are ferritin results valid?

Ferritin results are valid for a month. The test primarily helps to assess iron metabolism. In addition, it is performed to check for inflammation or infection in the body. It can also help detect cancer. Therefore, the ferritin test must be repeated if the patient’s results are older than four weeks.

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