How it works: plasma donors for COVID-19 patients share their experience

Have you already been safely ill and want to help those less fortunate? Doctors have only one answer – donate plasma, because its transfusion is still one of the effective methods of treating patients with coronavirus infection due to those very precious antibodies.

Studies have shown that for hospital patients, the likelihood of improvement significantly increases – according to some estimates, almost 2 times. In Moscow, according to the mayor’s office, more than 1100 patients who received plasma transfusions for the treatment of coronavirus have already been discharged from hospitals.

Three heroines (you cannot call them otherwise) of our time spoke about their experience of donating Healthy Food Near Me: Nadezhda, Ekaterina and Daria.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Myacheva, 35 years old

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Lapochkina, 33 years old

Daria Alexandrovna Zhovtyak, 20 years old

How did you decide to take this step?

Hope: I got a call from the hotline and offered to donate plasma. I understand that the disease is serious, I do not mind helping others. It is especially a pity for those who are now in serious condition.

Catherine: This will help people get well. And it all turned out like this: I donated blood for antibodies. It turned out that I had a good number of them, in connection with which they called me from the blood collection center, offered to donate plasma, but I did not refuse.

Darya: How not to help people, if possible? Since childhood, she dreamed of donating blood, just all the reasons did not turn up. And here everything worked out very well. I am very glad that it finally turned out that I can help someone.

Hope: No, not at all scary.

Catherine: No. Absolutely safe procedure. Some even claim that it is useful and renews the body.

Darya: Honestly? I was just worried about the volume of blood, I had never seen so much of it. The maximum is 50 ml, but when I was told that I needed 600, it seemed a little intimidating to me. But when you lie down on the couch and the procedure itself begins, it’s not at all scary, because both the nurses and the doctors support you morally. For an hour they asked how I felt, helped, so everything was fine.

What should those who wish to donate plasma prepare for? Is it easy to do this in Moscow?

Hope: There are no problems, you can safely come to any department where plasma is taken. And already on the spot, as I know, it may become clear from the data that the employees of these departments have that the potential donor had some kind of illness, maybe even in childhood, after which the plasma cannot be donated. Then they will simply explain that for some reason you are not suitable.

Catherine: It turned out to be quite easy to do, you need to allocate literally 2-3 hours of free time. There are several centers that will be offered to you, depending on your location.

Darya: As far as I know, the Moscow region is not engaged in this, but there are quite a few centers in Moscow located closer to the region. For example, I rented in Tsaritsyno, although I was registered in Podolsk.

How many times have you donated plasma?

Hope: Three or four times in four months. It can be taken every 3-4 weeks.

Catherine: This was my first experience.

Darya: And for me it was also the first time. So maybe it was a little scary. If I still have antibodies, I will gladly donate plasma again.

How did you cope with the disease yourself?

Hope: Transferred easily, at home. Of course, there was a temperature, smells and tastes were not felt. But, in general, it is easy.

Catherine: I didn’t know, to be honest, that I had a coronavirus, it went away asymptomatically. I found out almost by accident, I just wanted to get tested, because my relatives tested positive.

Darya: I had a moderate illness. She was ill at home with a temperature of 38-39 degrees and a slight runny nose. Almost nothing went to my lungs. But the recovery period was quite difficult. I run, and after recovering for two months I could not run because of the load on my lungs. All is well now.

For more details on the intricacies of the procedure, indications and contraindications, social assistance to those who decide to take this important step, and how to become a plasma donor right now – Read here.

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