Parental fantasy is truly limitless. Calling a baby Nutella is cool. Or Cabbage.

Our officials only recently decided to pass a law restricting parental fantasy in the field of inventing children’s names. It was nevertheless necessary. Because a boy has been living in the world for 15 years, whose parents tried to call him BOC rVF 260602. He still does not have a Russian passport. But there is an international one. As his parents affectionately call him, I wonder? Bochik? It was then that the bright heads of the legislators began to think about how to prohibit calling children sets of letters, obscene and other unpleasant and dissonant words.

Russian parents, however, are not alone in their desire to give their child an unusual name. We have collected 55 names that are banned in different countries of the world.


In the land of wine and cheese, children cannot be named in the name of food. It’s funny that someone is trying, but still. If the parents persist, the registrars have the right to appeal to the guardianship authorities with a complaint that mom and dad are deliberately spoiling the child’s life.

Banned here Strawberry, Nutella, Mini Cooper, Prince William, Demon.


In the US, you can often come across neutral names. For example, Jesse – that is how both a boy and a girl can be called. And in Germany, such a trick will not work. Boys should be called by masculine names, girls by feminine names. Giving funny and stupid names is also not allowed. Well, calling the child Adolf Hitler or Osama bin Laden will not work either.

List of German Prohibitions: Lucifer, Matty – The Insane, Cole – Cabbage, Stompy – Stompotun.


If Paris Hilton was born in Switzerland, her name would be different. Here you cannot name a girl with the name of a boy and vice versa, you cannot give a child the name of a biblical villain, name after a brand, place, or name a surname instead of a first name.

Such names: Judas, Chanel, Paris, Schmid, Mercedes.


The limitations here are due to linguistic characteristics. Icelandic does not have some of the letters that are in the Latin alphabet: C, Q, W. But there are strict rules stipulating how words should end. Parents are given six months to choose a suitable name. If it is not in the list of allowed names, then the parent’s option will be presented to the naming committee for consideration.

Definitely not allowed: Zoe, Harriet, Duncan, Enrique, Ludwig.


Everything is simple here: there is a list of 7 thousand names. Take your pick. I do not like? Okay, come up with your own. But it should please the Department of Investigation of the Names of the University of Copenhagen and the staff of the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs.

Rejected by the following: Jacob, Ashley, Anus, Monkey, Pluto.


In Norway, everything is relatively simple. Mock words and names that are registered in the Norwegian Population Register as middle or middle names are not acceptable names. That is, in fact, a surname.

Hansen, Johansen, Hagen, Larsen were banned.


In 1982, a law was introduced here prohibiting the assignment of noble surnames to children from plebeian families. In addition, the document prohibits giving obviously inappropriate names and those that could cause discomfort. However, Swedish law did not mind children named Metallica, Lego and Google. However, Metallica was later banned. By the way, not everyone in the country likes this law. In protest, one couple tried to name the child Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116, arguing that it was a highly meaningful set of characters and, in general, a work of art. Since then, the name has been banned.

And also: Allah, Ikea, Superman, Elvis, Veranda.


Here is the list, perhaps the most amusing. You cannot call children by the names of animals. And offensive words are also not necessary. Well, food. The numbers don’t work either. As well as royal names, which is generally understandable.

But they tried: Chinese Ah Chwar – Snake, Woti – Sex, Khiow Khoo – Hunchback, Chow Tow – Smelly Head, Sor Chai – Insane.


Exalted southern people, it turns out, periodically try to name the child well, very offensive. Or just stupid. It is forbidden here to name children by the names of book heroes. For example, everyone who studied at Hogwarts got banned: Harry Potter, Hermione, etc. There are more than 60 such names in the banned list.

The finest examples: Facebook, Rambo, Escroto (Scrotum) – Scrotum, Batman, Rolling Stone.

New Zealand

Everything here is upside down, as befits a country in the Southern Hemisphere. In New Zealand, it is forbidden to invent names longer than one hundred characters or similar to the official title and rank.

A total of 77 names, including royal, ridiculous and offensive: Queen Victoria, Tallulah dancing Hawaiian dance, Sexy Fruit, Sindirella, Beautiful Flower, Fat Boy.


In Portugal, they did not bother and created a directory that included both permitted and prohibited names. In order not to swear later how much in vain is already at registration. By the way, you can call children here only by local names. Even if it is in another language, in Portugal the name will acquire a national flavor. For example, not Catherine, but Catherine.

But there are also strict prohibitions: Nirvana, Rihanna, Sayonara, Viking.

Saudi Arabia

The list of bans in this country is not as long as one might assume – 52 points. Mostly blasphemous, blasphemous, inappropriate or pointedly foreign ones got into it.

For example: Malika is the Queen, Malak is the Angel.

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